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And he took horse himself and rode on with them, having two hundred knights in his company. They crossed the mountains of Luzon and passed Arbuxuelo, and came to Salon, and the Moor lodged them in the place which is called Ansarera; all this he did for the love of the Cid Campeador.

And back he went to Burgos, and my Cid and his company pricked on. The cocks were crowing amain, and the day began to break, when the good Campeador reached St. Pedro's. The Abbot Don Sisebuto was saying matins, and Dona Ximena and five of her ladies of good lineage were with him, praying to God and St. Peter to help my Cid.

Louis and the Cid Campeador, rolled in one." "That is most wise of you," I replied, sitting down by him. "Believe that always and you will keep out of trouble." Here Jacques Haret, who was lolling in a chair, said: "Our friend has been much concerned to know what has become of my late leading lady, Mademoiselle Capello.

He who was born in happy hour had his eyes upon him, and he took his shield and placed it before him, and lowered his lance, and gave Bavieca the spur, that good horse. With heart and soul he went at them, and made his way into their first battle; seven the Campeador smote down, and four he slew.

That afternoon, when the boats returned to the ships, Captain Peter Hennessy and his worthy colleague, Captain Martinas, of the barque Cid Campeador quarrelled, and the young Peruvian, drawing a pistol from his belt, shot the Irish gentleman through the left arm, and the next moment was cut down upon his own deck by a sweeping blow from Hennessy's cutlass.

And he alighted at the Alcazar, and gave order to lodge all his men round about it, and he bade them his banner upon the highest tower of the Alcazar. Glad was the Campeador, and all they who were with him when they saw his banner planted in that place.

He scratched his head, gathered his gloomy brows in a frown, and with ever-increasing difficulty of speech continued: "I may be brutal, disagreeable, ignorant, quarrelsome, obstinate, and every thing else you choose, but in honor I yield to no one." "What a pity of the Cid Campeador!" said Dona Perfecta contemptuously.

"This is not the way of business," said they; "we must take first, and then give." "Ye say well," replied the Burgalese: "come then to the Campeador, and we will help you to bring away the chests, so that neither Moors nor Christians may see us."

The Campeador was too generous to bear malice, and rode joyfully back, to find Sancho besieging Zamora. And an ill day it was for the king when he resolved to wrest his sister's possessions from her; for one of her citizens, spurred by love to his lady, gained admittance into the royal camp and offered to betray the city.

There was good look out kept in Medina, and Alvar Fanez sent two knights to know who they were. They made no tarriance in doing this, for they had it at heart; one tarried with them, and the other returned, and said it was the host of the Campeador with Pero Bermudez, and Muno Gustios, and the Bishop Hieronymo, and the Alcayaz Abencano.