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Byerley at the other end; and my mother always called my attention to some flower or plant in the garden when it struck nine, for that was his time for going.

Richardson, on the contrary, remained firm in his opinion that Byerley Creek was the river Lynd, and consequently, that this stream was the Mitchell, nor was it till they reached the head of the tide that he was fully convinced of his error. 'November' 20. To-day the Leader went forward and chose a good camp, 12 miles on, at some fine lagoons.

Byerley Creek having been found utterly destitute of grass, badly watered, and moreover trending ultimately to the S. of W., the Leader determined to take the cattle on to the next, which was well watered, having some feed on it, and being on the right course. There were, however, two long stages without water; but it was, on the whole, the best and almost only course open to him.

Similar symptoms showed themselves in the case of the horses of this expedition, proving pretty clearly that the deaths were caused by some noxious plant. 'November' 17. The course was continued down Cockburn Creek. At six miles a large stream runs in from the S.E. which was supposed to be Byerley Creek.

Start from Carpentaria Downs Order of Travel Canal Creek Cawana Swamp Simons' Gap Cowderoy's Bluff Barney's Nob Casualties in Parallel Creek Basaltic Wall Singular Fish Black Carbonado Improvement in Country Search for the Lynd Doubts First rain Error of Starting point Large ant-hills Ship's iron found Native nets Second start in search of Lynd Return Byerley Creek The whole party moves forward Belle Creek Maroon Creek Cockburn Creek Short Commons Camp Burned The Powder saved Maramie Creek The Staaten First hostility of Natives Poison "Marion" abandoned Conclusion as to River Heavy rain First attack of Natives Horses lost Barren Country Detention Leader attacked by Natives Black-boy attacked A "growl" Mosquitoes and flies Kites Cattle missing Horses found Leader again attacked Main party attacked Return to the River Character of Staaten Lagoon Creek Tea-tree levels Junction of Maramie Creek Reach head of tide Confirmation of opinion.

Byerley, he wrote to my father without ever having so much as paid her a compliment, or said more than the most trivial and commonplace things to her; and my father and mother sent for her into my father's study, and she said she never was so much frightened in her life, and they said it was a very good offer, and Mr.

Byerley was a very worthy man, and they hoped she would behave properly to him when he came to supper that night. And after that he was allowed to come twice a week till they were married. My mother and I sate at our work in the bow- window of the Rectory drawing-room, and Gratia and Mr.

It is more probable, therefore, that Byerley Creek is a tributary of either the Einasleih or Gilbert, or that it is an independant stream altogether, running into the Gulf between the Gilbert and Staaten rivers. It appears unlikely also that any practicable route for stock will be discovered between the coast which Mr.

The stream was 100 yards wide, and well-watered, a great relief after their arid journey of yesterday: large rocks of sandstone occurred inits bed in different places. Crossing it, they followed down its left bank for 8 miles, its trend being N.W., then turning their back on it, they steered due south to strike Byerley Creek.

Continuing on the same course, due south for 18 miles, over the same useless country, the party reached Byerley Creek, striking it at a point 32 miles below the Rendezvous Camp, then turning up its course they followed it for 16 miles, to their hunting camp of the 26th October.