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'Tell him if he dares to leave the house, I'll go to mother's the first thing to-morrow, and let them know how he's treating me. 'Tell her, was Mr. Byass's reply, 'that I don't see what it matters to her whether I'm at home or away. And tell her she's a cruel wife to me. Something like the sound of a snivel came out of the darkness as he concluded.

Byass's rooms, he mentioned the fact casually to his friends, making it appear that, in seeking lodgings, he had come upon these by haphazard. He could not but feel something of genuine interest in a girl who, for whatever reason, declined a sufficient allowance and chose to work for her living.

He resisted it, knowing that the result would only be a night of sleepless anger and misery. The next day he again saw Snowdon, and spoke to him of Mrs. Byass's rooms. The old man seemed at first indisposed to go so far; but when he had seen the interior of the house and talked with the landlady, his objections disappeared.

It had been bad enough when only his own conscience was in play; the dialogue with Joseph, following upon Bessie Byass's indiscretion, threw him wholly off his balance, and he could give no weight to any consideration but the necessity of recovering self-respect.

John Street Road, across City Read, down to Hanover Street, literally running for most of the time. Her knock at Mrs. Byass's door was terrific. 'I want to see Jane Snowdon, was her address to Bessie. 'Do you? I think you might have knocked more like civilisation, replied Mrs. Byass, proud of expressing herself with superior refinement. But Clem pushed her way forward.

Byass's address, that he might immediately be communicated with? The information was readily supplied; Mr. Byass was no farther away, at present, than St. Albans. Forth into the street again, and in search of a policeman. 'Will you please to tell me what station I have to go to for St. Albans? Why, Moorgate Street would do; only a few minutes' walk away. On she hastened.