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After a brief artillery preparation the columns carried the position with a rush, and the Kohistanees were routed with heavy loss. Meer Butcha and his Kohistanees well beaten, Macpherson camped for the night near Karez.

What for? 'You belonged to Coppy. Coppy told me so! wailed Wee Willie Winkie disconsolately. 'I saw him kissing you, and he said he was fonder of you van Bell or ve Butcha or me. And so I came. You must get up and come back. You didn't ought to be here. Vis is a bad place, and I've bwoken my awwest. 'I can't move, Winkie, said Miss Allardyce, with a groan. 'I've hurt my foot. What shall I do?

Isn't it time for The Butcha to have his nap? Bring a chair out here, dear. I've got something to talk over with you. What is the moral? Who rides may read. When the night is thick and the tracks are blind. A friend at a pinch is a friend indeed; But a fool to wait for the laggard behind: Down to Gehenna or up to the Throne He travels the fastest who travels alone.

My elephant would not face him, so I gave him another shot behind the shoulder, and padded him for the moosahurs and sweepers in camp. Just then one of the policemen started a young hog-deer, and several of the men got down and tried to catch the little thing alive. They soon succeeded, and the cries of the poor little butcha, that is 'young one, were most plaintive.

What for?" "You belonged to Coppy. Coppy told me so!" wailed Wee Willie Winkie, disconsolately. "I saw him kissing you, and he said he was fonder of you van Bell or ve Butcha or me. And so I came. You must get up and come back. You didn't ought to be here. Vis is a bad place, and I've bwoken my awwest." "I can't move, Winkie," said Miss Allardyce, with a groan. "I've hurt my foot.

Sir Frederick Roberts lost no time in despatching a column to, the Kohistan to punish Meer Butcha by destroying that chief's forts and villages, and to ascertain whether the tribesmen of the district had dispersed to their homes. This was found to be the case, and the column returned after having been out five days.

"Exactly," said Coppy, gravely. "But I don't fink I'll ever want to kiss big girls, nor no one, 'cept my muvver. And I must vat, you know." There was a long pause, broken by Wee Willie Winkie, "Are you fond of vis big girl, Coppy?" "Awfully!" said Coppy. "Fonder van you are of Bell or ve Butcha or me?" "It's in a different way," said Coppy.

'Exactly, said Coppy gravely. 'But I don't fink I'll ever want to kiss big girls, nor no one, 'cept my muvver. And I must vat, you know. There was a long pause, broken by Wee Willie Winkie. 'Are you fond of vis big girl, Coppy? 'Awfully! said Coppy. 'Fonder van you are of Bell or ve Butcha or me? 'It's in a different way, said Coppy.

Let us pursue the little idea, and talk butcha to the end of this chapter.

Meer Butcha and his Kohistanees were less formidable, and might be dealt with incidentally. On the 8th General Macpherson was sent out toward the west with a column consisting of 1300 bayonets, three squadrons, and eight guns.

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