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The former Committee of surveillance came under serious suspicion; many people who were outlawed only escaped by paying: it is a fact that... Of a number of those who have thus purchased their lives there are some who did not deserve to die and who, nevertheless, were threatened with death." Buchez et Roux, XXXII., 428.

At the Cafe Manouri it was given out that his views of the government were the only ones which, like the magnet, would attract all citizens to the Revolution. It is not the same with citizen Billaud-Varennes." "Of painstaking cleanliness." Buchez et Roux, XXXIV., 94. Meillan, "Memoires," p.4.

About the same date, "a deputation from the department of Gard expressly demands a sum of two hundred and fifty millions, as indemnity to the cultivator, for grain which it calls national property." Decree ordering the forced loan of a billion on the rich, May 20-25 Buchez et Roux, XXV., 156. Gorsas, "Courrier des Departements," No. for May I5, 1793. Cf.

If they had paid more attention to the education of the SUPERIOR classes, delaying till later the agricultural meetings; in short, if the head had been put above the stomach, should we have been likely to be where we are now? I have just read, this week, Buchez' Preface to his Histoire parlementaire. Many inanities which burden us today come from that among other things.

Before him, M. de Bonald thought he had discovered it in language. Quite recently, M. Buchez has proposed morality; and, to harmonize them all, the eclectics have said that it was absurd to seek for an absolute criterion, since there were as many criteria as special orders of knowledge.

Dauban, 231. Dauban, 120. Anne is blocked up with manure. Dauban, 530. They begin at midnight. one, two o'clock in the morning. "The women struggled with all their might against the men and contracted the habit of swearing. The last on the row knew how to worm themselves up to the head of it." Buchez et Roux, XXVIII., 364. Another had a cut on his arm the same day in the Rue Froid-Manteau.

Comte, Cours de philosophie positive, vi. 321 sqq.; Buchez, Introduction a la science de l'histoire, i. 99 sqq. More recently M. Jules Delvaille has attempted to trace its history fully, down to the end of the eighteenth century. His Histoire de l'idee de progres is planned on a large scale; he is erudite and has read extensively. But his treatment is lacking in the power of discrimination.

The government distributes one-eighth of a bushel to each person, everybody being obliged to wait two days to take his turn. "La Revolution," I., 208; II., 294, 205, 230. Buchez et Roux, XX., 431. The three delegates of the Convention disposed to interfere have their lives saved only on condition of announcing the rate dictated to them. Ibid., 409. Ibid., 417.