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The following table will show what the alteration has been: | 1849. | 1884. | |Speed miles|Speed miles| | per hour. | per hour. | + + + Great Western London to Didcot. | 56 | | " " to Swindon. | | 53 | North-Western Euston to Wolverton. | 37 | | " Northampton to Willesden. | | 51½ | South-Western Waterloo to Farnborough. | 39 | | " Yeovil to Exeter. | | 46 | Brighton London Bridge to Reigate. | 36 | | " Victoria to Eastbourne. | | 45 | Midland Derby to Masborough. | 43 | | " London to Kettering. | | 47 | North-Eastern York to Darlington. | 38 | | " " | | 50 | Great Eastern London to Broxbourne. | 29 | | " Lincoln to Spalding. | | 49 | Great Northern King's Cross to Grantham.| | 51 | Cheshire Lines Manchester to Liverpool. | | 51 | + + +

On the left the great trees stood up close to the road, great shafts, the children of those who had stood there when the legions came up out of the Thames valley and marched north into the jungle. On the right the meadows rolled away eastward towards Enfield and Cheshunt and Broxbourne, meadow and copse and cornland.

But while we were mostly busy and grave, we would make holiday sometimes, and then he was like a boy, brimming over with mirth, full of quaint turns of thought and speech; all the country round London has for me bright memories of our wanderings Richmond, where we tramped across the park, and sat under its mighty trees; Windsor, with its groves of bracken; Kew, where we had tea in a funny little room, with watercress ad libitum; Hampton Court, with its dishevelled beauties; Maidenhead and Taplow, where the river was the attraction; and, above all, Broxbourne, where he delighted to spend the day with his fishing-rod, wandering along the river, of which he knew every eddy.

Britons, aboriginal, 50. Bromley, 33. Broxbourne, 45. Buckhurst Hill, 45. Bunhill Fields graveyard, 26, 27. Burial in churches, 51. Burial Service, 54. Burke, Edmund, 51. Cæesar, 50. Carmichael, Mr., 101. Carpenters' gravestones, 31, 32. Cattle in churchyards, 55. Chalk, parish of, 13, 14. Champion, S., 41. Cheltenham, 68. Cheshunt, 22, 69. Chigwell, 46. Chinese, 62. Chingford, 45.

Gilston was pulled down in 1853, following upon a sale by auction, when all its treasures were dispersed. Some, I have discovered, were bought by the enterprising tenant of the old Rye House Inn at Broxbourne, but absolute identification of anything now seems impossible. Blakesware is again described in Mrs. Leicester's School, in Mary Lamb's story of "The Young Mahometan."

We drew rein therefore, nowhere; but rode straight on, through village and country alike now ambling for a little, once or twice cantering, and then walking again when the way had holes in it. So we passed through Totteridge and Barnet and Enfield Chase and Wood Green, and came at last to Broxbourne where the roads forked, and we turned down to the right.

Formerly at the Saracen's Head, Ware, but now at Rye House, Broxbourne, Herts.

She looked at the sandwiches, unscrewed the flask, but found sight and scent to be enough that morning, and put both aside. It had seemed a long journey, but now London was near. They stopped at Broxbourne.