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Some of them live in Argenta, he says, and found out he had been in correspondence with the doctor, and that it was he who had given warning." Then, glancing over his shoulder as they neared the gate, and speaking to Geordie, he continued, "What is the name of the brewer up there who wanted your place at the Point for his son?" "Breifogle." "That's the man," answered Warden.

The first full peril of his situation broke upon Nolan the instant the news was rushed to him. Innocent of any part in the assault though he was ignorant of it, in fact, until dawn he well knew that every artifice would be played against him, and that all the power, the means, and methods of the Breifogle clique would be lavishly used.

He swooped for his hat and shot for a dark passage, but not before Geordie had caught a glimpse of his face. "That was young Breifogle," said he.

Nolan that's the man's name called him down, and then Breifogle broke loose and cursed him, called him traitor and all manner of names, and ordered some of his men to throw him out. They did it, too, and brought on a fight. Breifogle and his friends were armed and the men were not. They shot two miners, arrested the 'ringleaders, as they called 'em, and locked 'em up.

"Yes," he said, loudly, so that Cullin could hear "yes, I understand.... Don't worry.... You're with friends.... Tell us your name and home.... What? Try once again.... Bry what? Oh, Breifogle?... Yes. Argenta? That's just where we're going. We'll be there very soon. Don't try to talk more now."

There had been a face-to-face meeting between sergeant and sheriff when Nolan came forth from a rapturous scene at old Shiner's bedside. But this time the sheriff looked sheepish, and there was no talk of arrest. Young Breifogle, it seems, would not die of his wounds. One of the culprits had "split" and the real assailants were known.

I told 'em, through him, if they wanted anything on this train they needn't ask me. I wasn't responsible." Graham and Toomey exchanged quick glances. A wretched end would it be to all their planning if Geordie should now be dragged off the cab as accessory to the assault on young Breifogle, his helpless charge and patient of the early morning hours.

"What's up?" asked Big Ben, presently, seeing that the conductor waited to be asked. "Why, those Narrow Gauge fellows they're owned here, you know claim that two of their men were shot by the same gang that did up Breifogle. They're wiring both ways from the Junction, up here for sheriff and detectives, and down to the Springs for Bob Anthony.

He was raving when they threw him out of the gate, and swore he would get even with Breifogle, and when it comes to trial there'll be a dozen witnesses to swear that he did. What kind of a trial do you think he'd have here at Argenta, with half the town owned by Breifogle & Co.?"

That Breifogle the younger had been sent to Denver to watch for the coming of Dr. Graham, McCrea, or others of the officers, all of whom he knew by sight and name, there was every reason to believe; but that Nolan should take part in or countenance the mobbing of the Breifogles, or any others of the mine-owners, was abhorrent, if not impossible.