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Smith told me you couldn't have done, and I saw that I was an ass to think you could have. It was Stone seeming so dead certain that he could play for Lower Borlock if I chucked him from the school team that gave me the idea." "He never even asked me to get him a place." "No, I know." "Of course, I wouldn't have done it, even if he had." "Of course not."

The two lived in a state of simmering hostility, punctuated at intervals by crises, which usually resulted in Lower Borlock having to play some unskilled labourer in place of their star batsman, employed doing "over-time."

Place called Little Borlock. A man who played against Wrykyn for the Free Foresters captains them. He asked me if I'd like some games for them." "But why not for the school?" "Why should I? It's much better fun for the village. You don't get ordered about by Adair, for a start." "Adair sticks on side," said Stone. "Enough for six," agreed Robinson. "By Jove," said Stone, "I've got an idea.

We all start out together, but I could nip back, get onto my bike I've got it down here and meet you anywhere you liked. By Jove, I'm simply dying for a game. I can hardly keep my hands off a bat." "I'll give you all you want. What you'd better do is to ride straight to Lower Borlock that's the name of the place and I'll meet you on the ground. Anyone will tell you where Lower Borlock is.

As time went on, and his average for Lower Borlock reached the fifties and stayed there, Mike began, though he would not have admitted it, to enjoy himself. It was not Wrykyn, but it was a very decent substitute. The only really considerable element making for discomfort now was Mr. Downing. By bad luck it was in his form that Mike had been placed on arrival; and Mr.

I'll borrow Jellicoe's bicycle." That Saturday, Lower Borlock smote the men of Chidford hip and thigh. Their victory was due to a hurricane innings of seventy-five by a new-comer to the team, M. Jackson. Cricket is the great safety-valve. If you like the game, and are in a position to play it at least twice a week, life can never be entirely grey.

But when a cricket captain runs up against a boy who does not much care whether he plays for the team or not, then he finds himself in a difficult position, and, unless he is a man of action, practically helpless. Stone and Robinson felt secure. Taking it all round, they felt that they would just as soon play for Lower Borlock as for the school.

Place called Lower Borlock. A man who played against Wrykyn for the Free Foresters captains them. He asked me if I'd like some games for them." "But why not for the school?" "Why should I? It's much better fun for the village. You don't get ordered about by Adair, for a start." "Adair sticks on side," said Stone. "Enough for six," agreed Robinson. "By Jove," said Stone, "I've got an idea.

He still harbored a feeling of resentment against the school in general and Adair in particular, but it was pleasant in Outwood's now that he had got to know some of the members of the house, and he liked playing cricket for Lower Borlock; also, he was fairly certain that his father would not let him go to Cambridge if he were expelled from Sedleigh. Mr.

But when a cricket captain runs up against a boy who does not much care whether he plays for the team or not, then he finds himself in a difficult position, and, unless he is a man of action, practically helpless. Stone and Robinson felt secure. Taking it all around, they felt that they would just as soon play for Lower Borlock as for the school.