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"I know," said Josie, and advancing to the door drew out her keys. Her very boldness disarmed suspicion; the boy was not sufficiently interested to watch her, for a man came out of the barber-shop and seated himself in the boot-black's chair. This sort of lock didn't phase Josie at all. At the second trial she opened the door, walked in and closed the door behind her.

Huysmans would have found this suggestion sufficient inspiration for a romance the length of "Clarissa Harlowe." You will remember that the author of "En Route" meditated writing a novel about a man who left his house to go to his office. Perceiving that his shoes have not been polished he stops at a boot-black's and during the operation he reviews his affairs.

On the opposite side, at the rear, were baggage and storerooms. Just beside her she noted a boot-black's stand, where a colored boy listlessly waited for customers. "Shine, miss?" he inquired. "No," said Josie in a businesslike tone; "I'm looking for the printing office." "Secon' door, miss," indicating it with a gesture; "but dey ain't nobody dere. De room's mos'ly kep' locked."

I could not go to bed in a Pullman car, walk over the springy "runner" of a hotel corridor, unfold the immense napkin of a hotel dining-room, or shake down my trousers upon alighting from a boot-black's chair, without being conscious of the difference between my present life and my life in Antomir

On this very pavement!" He struck it with his foot, commending to Fairbairn the amazing fact. "I have cleaned boots," and he called to a boy who was lying in wait with a boot-black's apparatus on his back for any dusty foot. "Chico, come and clean my shoes." He jested with the boy with the kindliness of a Spaniard, and gave him a shining peseta.

A half-grown, ruffianly boy, with a boot-black's box slung over his shoulder, came up and shouted, "You rats, come out of that, or we'll knock the scalps off'n you." The men, without even looking to see the source of the summons, threw down their tools and got out of the hole.

"The boot-black's in the way." "He may not be in the way always. Your cousin may detect him in something that will cause his discharge." "Even if he does, I've tried once to get in there, and didn't succeed. They didn't seem to take a fancy to me." "I shouldn't expect them to, if they take a fancy to a common street boy. But when they find him out, they may change their opinion of you."