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Prout will now say a few words about the problems and duties " By rising vote the Boosters decided which was the handsomest and which the ugliest guest, and to each of them was given a bunch of carnations, donated, President Gunch noted, by Brother Booster H. G. Yeager, the Jennifer Avenue florist.

Then I cried half the night because I had. We both know that long ago Jack headed for the topmost rung of a very tall scientific ladder. Sometimes my enthusiasm as chief booster and encourager has failed, as when it meant absence and risk.

This is my friend, Miss Mariner." The young man shook hands with Jill, flashing an approving glance at her out of his dark, restless eyes. "Pleased to meet you." "This is Phil Brown," said Nelly. "He plays the straight for Joe Widgeon. They're the best jazz-and-hokum team on the Keith Circuit." "Oh, hush!" said Mr Brown modestly. "You always were a great little booster, Nelly."

Then the voice of the "booster" made itself audible above the confusion. "What! A mistake? Not possible! Yes. Owing to some confusion at the finish, both jockies wearing the same colors, the official returns now read Calvert first; Old Stone second." Among the zitherns Felix sat and wondered if he had been schvindled. He had not returned to Wassermann Brothers.

Now Forsythe and every Hallam man comprehended all in a flash. Fenton had caught the ball with a nicety that brought wild whoops from the Gridley boosters, now standing on their seats and waving the Gridley colors. "That little fellow looks like a streak of light," yelled one Gridley booster. The description wasn't a bad one. Fenton was doing some of the finest sprinting conceivable.

Almost three hundred presented themselves for enrollment. Scores of the leading citizens were also on hand to see how the new plan would take. Among these latter was Herr Schimmelpodt, the retired contractor, who was always such an enthusiastic booster for High School athletics.