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Altogether this piece of furniture was so grand that words cannot fully describe it, and it stood so high on its carved legs that Mrs Gaff and Tottie were obliged to climb into it each night by a flight of three steps, which were richly carpeted, and which folded into a square box, which was extremely convenient as a seat or ottoman during the day, and quite in keeping with the rest of the furniture of the "boodwar."

Strange to say, my son, Lieutenant Bingley, arrived from China on the morning of the wedding, so that he had the unexpected pleasure of dancing at it too, and of chaffing Haco on being "done out of his daughter!" The "Boodwar" was the scene of the festivities at Dan's wedding. It was more; it was also the locality in which the honeymoon was spent.

Thenceforth she styled the cottage at Cove the Boodwar.

"Where you come from?" Dave eased himself in the saddle. "From the Southwest." "You're quite a ways from home. I reckon your hills ain't so uncurried down there, are they?" The cowpuncher looked over the mountains. He was among the summits, aglow in the amber light of day with the many blended colors of wild flowers. "We got some down there, too, that don't fit a lady's boodwar.

As Secretary to the Sailors' Home he frequently met me while I was going about in my capacity of honorary agent of the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society. Billy Gaff went to sea, and ultimately became captain of an East Indiaman, to his mother's unspeakable delight. Gaff and his wife and Tottie remained in the "Boodwar" for many years.

Mrs Gaff had insisted on taking a little jaunt to Ramsgate, with her husband, son, and daughter, in order that she might give up her abode to Dan and Susan, who were favourites with her. Thus it came to pass that when the festivities of the wedding drew to a close, the bride and bridegroom, instead of leaving their friends, were left by their friends in possession of the "Boodwar."