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His voice was the effortless deep bass of a church organ, and would disturb the tranquility of a gas flame fifty yards away. "They're wonderful pictures," said Barrow. "We've been examining them." "It is very bleasant dot you like dem," said Handel, the German, greatly pleased. "Und you, Herr Tracy, you haf peen bleased mit dem too, alretty?"

"Mine gracious!" whispered the disturbed German lad: "I dinks dot if they don't got de golt then the golt don't got dem, and fader he won't be as bleased as nefer vos." "There isn't any hurry, Otto, in putting your words together, and it is a good time for you to try to string them so they will make a little sense." "Yaw; I vill tries." "Sh! There comes some one!"

Gif I see dem at all, it is at die Jambs Elusees, und dey do not see me... yet dey are ver' fond of me, und I might go to dine mit dem, und dey vould be ver' bleased to see me; und I might go to deir country-houses, but I vould much rader be mit mine friend Bons, because I kann see him venefer I like, und efery tay." Pons took Schmucke's hand and grasped it between his own.

"'Why, by the mercy of Heaven, and the waders of Aix-la-Chapelle, andt the addentions of mine togders andt physicians, and oggulists, of lade years, under Providence, I am surbrizingly pedder thank you kindly, Misder Custos. Andt you have also been doing well of lade, as I am bleased to hear.

Gif I see dem at all, it is at die Jambs Elusees, und dey do not see me . . . yet dey are ver' fond of me, und I might go to dine mit dem, und dey vould be ver' bleased to see me; und I might go to deir country-houses, but I vould much rader be mit mine friend Bons, because I kann see him venefer I like, und efery tay." Pons took Schmucke's hand and grasped it between his own.

"He gave me a very fine cigar yesterday; you'll like them if you try one," said Baugh to Stubb. "Let it be a cigar to-day, Mr. Seigerman." As Baugh struck a match to light his cigar, he said to Stubb, "I'm coming up to stop with Mr. Seigerman to-morrow. Why don't you join us?" "I vould be wery much bleased to haf you mine guest," said Louie, every inch the host.