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He woke at three, roused by a passing motor, and struggled out of bed for a drink of water. As he passed through the bedroom he heard his wife groan. His resentment was night-blurred; he was solicitous in inquiring, "What's the trouble, hon?" "I've got such a pain down here in my side oh, it's just it tears at me." "Bad indigestion? Shall I get you some bicarb?" "Don't think that would help.

He must drop his hurdle-racing. He mustn't bicycle uphill, or against the wind; he mustn't jump; he mustn't run "Not even to catch a train?" "Not to catch anything." And the doctor gave him a prescription that ran: /P Sodæ Bicarb., one dram. Tinct. Strophanthi, two drams P/ He remembered. That was the stuff he'd measured for old Mr. Beasley's heart mixture.

Administer the following powder; also put a lump of lime in the watering trough: Pulv. gentian, 1 ounce; pulv. elm bark, 2 ounces; pulv. iron sulphate, 1 ounce; pulv. bicarb. soda, 4 ounces; pulv. aniseed, 2 ounces; pulv. red pepper 1/2 ounce; pulv. oilcake meal 10 pounds. Mix thoroughly and give a tablespoonful in scalded grain once daily. Cows Swallowing Foreign Substances.

The symptoms of the disease are moderated, the duration of the attack is shortened, and the cardiac complications are prevented. The dose of the alkalies must be increased until the acid secretions are neutralized. A very good combination of these remedies is the following: Rx. Sodae bicarb 3 iss. Potas. acet 3 ss. Acid. cit f. 3 ss. Aquae f. 3 ij.

"Mercier not in?" he asked, sternly. "Not yet," said Ranny. And as he said it he possessed himself very gently of the measuring-glass and bottle. "What is it?" "Tincture of strophanthus, sodæ bicarb., and spirits of chloroform. Just you mind how you handle it." "Right-O!" said Ranny. The chemist's small, iron-gray eyes were fixed on him with severity and resentment. "How much?" said Ranny.

My feet and legs are now very much swollen; round the ankles they are quite black, and the pain is dreadful. I still continue to take the bicarb of potash, but it has little or no effect. Wind variable. Tuesday, 21st October, South of the Centre. About sunrise started for Anna Reservoir, and at 5.30 p.m. arrived there, completely exhausted. Wind, variable. Heavy clouds from the south-east.