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Going to London then was worse than going to Russia now, and to take up a lengthy residence among questi diavoli ... quelle bestie di quegli Inglesi, as Cellini politely calls the English, did not suit a Southern taste. He had, moreover, private reasons for disliking Torrigiani, who boasted of having broken Michael Angelo's nose in a quarrel.

Inghilfredi Siciliano: "Gesù Cristo ideolla in paradiso E poi la fece angelo incarnando Gioia aggio preso di giglio novello E vago, che sormonta ogni ricchezza Sua dottrina m' affrezza Cosi mi coglie e olezza Come pantera le bestie selvagge."

The latter is a charm, of the same type as the Ménagier's horse charms: 'Take a crust of bread and write what follows: Bestera bestie nay brigonay dictera sagragan es domina siat siat siat. Let us remember, however, that the nation which produced it, some four centuries later, produced Pasteur.

Seldja, he told me, used to be a dangerous place for Europeans to traverse; many robberies and even murders had taken place there in times past; the new regime, of course, had put an end to all that. Ah, those maladette bestie di serpenti they swarmed among the rocks: they were of every kind and size; worst of all, the spleenful naja.

The service was not so irksome in-doors, but it was the hunting beasts in the forest all day that broke his patience at last. "Beasts in the forest?" I ask, forgetful of the familiar sense of bestie, and figuring cougars at least by the word. "Yes, those little beasts for the naturalists, flies, bugs, beetles, Heaven knows what." "But this brought you money?"

The bestie willna harm ye." The stranger then came forward; asked David if there was any cottage near where he could rest all night, said that he had come out for a day's fishing, had got separated from his companions, lost his way and was hungry and worn out. David looked him steadily in the face and read aright the nervous manner and assumed indifference.