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"But he's generally out fishing and you're always busy." "I'll take a holiday some day and you shall take me over." Time came when they went, but it was hardly a holiday undertaking. It was a few days after this that Gard had another proof of Nance's and Bernel's fearlessness and prowess in the waters they had conquered into friendliness. Bernel was a great fisherman.

The thin orange sickle of a moon rose at last, high by reason of the mists banked thick along the horizon, and afforded them a welcome glimmer of light barely a glimmer indeed, rather a mere thinning of the clinging darkness, but enough for Bernel's tutored eye.

These, with Bernel's gun and the blanket, and the old woollen cloak, which he recognized as Mr. Hamon's roquelaure, and his pipe, and the tobacco he happened to have in his pouch, constituted, for the time being, his worldly possessions.

She hated Tom, and Tom had always resented her and her mother's intrusion into the family, and Bernel's, when he came, four years after Nance. What his father wanted to marry again for, Tom never could make out.

For Nance's sake and Bernel's she must oppose it with all that was in her. If the farm were sold the money would all go into those gaping black mouths and bottomless pits at Port Gorey. The home would be broken up an end of all things. It must not be. "I should think many times before selling the farm if I were you," she said quietly, and left it there for the moment.

Gard was surprised by the speedy verification of Bernel's weather forecast. Before the service was over the wind was howling round the building with the sounds of unleashed furies, and when they got out it was almost dark. They bent to the gale and pressed on, Gard with a discomforting remembrance that the Coupée lay ahead.

It was a fortunate thing for Gard that the storm the great storm from which, for many a year afterwards, local events in Sark dated came when it did; two days after Bernel's visit and the replenishment of his larder. For if he had been caught bare he must have starved.

"Come then, and we will make sure of this one, anyhow;" and he led the way to John de Carteret's boat, and all the people gave them a cheer as they pulled out of the harbour to catch the breeze off the Lâches. Then the crowd waited for their return, and talked by snatches of all these strange happenings, and discussed and discounted the chances of Bernel's being still alive.

He picked up Bernel's things, and Nance's, with a curious feeling of delight and a touch of shyness, her sun-bonnet, her little linen jacket, her woollen skirt, her neat little wooden sabots, and ran swiftly with them to the shaft at the head of the gulf.

She was back presently with another bundle, and he started when she thrust into his hands a long gun, and bade him pick up the first bundle and follow her. The feel of the gun brought home to him, as nothing else could have done, her and Bernel's views of possible contingencies.