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Penrod had disappeared from view. The delayed dance was about to begin a most uneven cotillon when Samuel Williams arrived. Mrs. Schofield hurriedly left the ballroom; while Miss Rennsdale, flushing with sudden happiness, curtsied profoundly to Professor Bartet and obtained his attention. "I have telled you fifty times," he informed her passionately ere she spoke, "I cannot make no such changes.

Lounging in the doorway, the near-vivisectionists sipped licorice water alternately and conversed. "I bet some of our smallpox medicine would fix ole P'fessor Bartet all right!" quoth Penrod. "I wish he'd come along and ask us for some." "We could tell him it was lickrish water," added Sam, liking the idea. "The two bottles look almost the same."

Little by little, however, the crowd quiets down, and I catch Louis Gallet’s fine lines, marvellously phrased by Mesdames Bartet, Dudlay, Moreno, and the handsome Fenoux as Apollo. The real interest of the public is only aroused, however, when The Erynnies begins. This powerful adaptation from the tragedy of Æschylus is the chef d’œuvre of Leconte de Lisle. The silence is now complete.

They were rather taken aback at first when they saw the tent, the low small stage, and the very elementary scenery were afraid the want of space would bother them, but they soon felt that they held their audience, and that their voices carried perfectly. They were rather hurried, as they were all taking the train back to Paris, except Bartet, who had promised to stay for the banquet.

One-two-three; one-two-three glide! Mr. Penrod Schofield, your right foot your right foot! No, no! Stop!" The merry-go-round came to a standstill. "Mr. Penrod Schofield and partner" Professor Bartet wiped his brow "will you kindly observe me? One-two-three glide! So! Now then no; you will please keep your places, ladies and gentlemen. Mr.