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"Hamilton had been his early rival; he had, as he believed, destroyed him with Washington, and that he had been mainly instrumental in defeating him with Jefferson for the Presidency. There can be no doubt of the fact, that Jefferson had been voted for by the colleges for President, and Burr for Vice-President; but they were not so designated on the ballots.

He was tired of it; had declined to be a candidate for the district attorneyship in the Fall. Heney was the Prosecution's only hope. He consented to run; which added to his legal labors the additional tasks of preparing for a campaign. It was not to be wondered at that Heney failed to convict Calhoun. The jury disagreed after many ballots. A new trial was set.

In Florida there was a board of canvassers which had power to exclude false or fraudulent votes. It was composed of two Republicans and one Democrat. When all ballots had been sent in, the Democrats claimed a majority of ninety; the Republicans a majority of forty-five. The board went over the returns and by a partisan vote threw out enough to make the Republican majority 924.

What was the method of voting in the electoral college before 1804? Illustrate the working of this method in 1796 and 1800. The amendment of 1804: a. The ballots of the electors. b. The duty of the House if no candidate for the presidency receives a majority of the electoral votes. c. The duty of the Senate if no candidate for the vice-presidency receives a majority of the electoral votes. d.

The election of John Adams was bitterly contested, and the voters knew, when they were casting their ballots in 1796, whether they were voting for a Federalist or a Jeffersonian. From that day forward this greatest of political prizes has been awarded through partizan competition. In 1804 the method of selecting the Vice-President was changed by the twelfth constitutional amendment.

At the afternoon session, after several ballots had been taken with the same result, an adjournment was ordered until 9 o'clock next morning. Soon after adjournment each side went into caucus. At the Jacobs meeting it was decided to stick to their man to the very last. At the Williams meeting Hon. H.C. Griffin, white leader of the Williams men, suggested the name of the Rev.

The system of voting thus described, is, therefore, far better on this account than the one sometimes adopted in lodges, of handing round the box for the members to deposit their ballots from their seats The Master having inquired of the Wardens if all have voted, then orders the Senior Deacon to "take charge of the ballot box."

4 Raising the age of protection for girls to 18 years. 5 Establishing a State Industrial School for girls. There had long been one for boys, but the women could not get one for girls until they had the vote. 6 Removing the emblems from the Australian ballots. This is a little, indirect step toward educational qualifications for voting. 7 Establishing the indeterminate sentence for prisoners.

This rendered it necessary for Colonel Burr to adopt a like procedure. He thus became a partisan, and a most efficient partisan, in that controversy. Seven of the canvassers determined to reject and destroy the ballots alleged to have been illegally returned. To this decision four objected. The ballots were accordingly destroyed, and George Clinton declared to be duly elected governor.

Bean, caused the members in Washington further embarrassment at this time and occasioned a gleam of humor in one of Kelley's letters. Bean's calling on the men at Washington, he wrote, at least reminded them of the absentee, and to be cursed by an old friend was better than to be forgotten. "I suggest," he continued, "that Granges use black and white BEANS for ballots."