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His low-cut shirt-collar and narrow silken neck-tie were in the style called "English," as quite decidedly, also, were his cross-barred trousers of balloony build; nor, although thus flinging himself for diversion into the vortex of the lower crowd, had he foregone the luxury of tan-colored kid gloves and patent-leather shoes.

Marrier was thus proceeding with his list of star attractions, Edward Henry was thinking: "'Her new theatre' now! It was 'his' a few minutes back!... 'The well-known Midlands capitalist, eh? Oh! He drank again. He said to himself: "I've had all I can digest of this beastly balloony stuff." And he finished the glass, and planked it down firmly on the table. "Well," he remarked aloud cheerfully.

'I don't think you'd care about the sons of the Phoenix, really, said Robert. 'I have heard that they don't do anything fiery. They only drink a great deal. Much more than other people, because they drink lemonade and fizzy things, and the more you drink of those the more good you get. 'In your mind, perhaps, said Jane; 'but it wouldn't be good in your body. You'd get too balloony.

"Dot's vot's der madder mit me," sighed Hans Dunnerwust, in disappointment. "It vos peen so long alretty yet since I haf seen a scrap dot I don'd know vot it vos." "G'wan wid yez, Dutch!" cried Barney, who was in ill-humor on account of the failure as he supposed of Bascomb to challenge Merriwell. "Thot Yankee from Vermont called yez a balloony sausage t'-day, an' ye nivver did a thing.

They were dressed in Tyrolean fashion pleated skirts, short enough to show white, plump stockings, feet in slippers, upon the head huge caps, starched and balloony; their massive white necks, well exposed, were encircled by collars that came low on bodices elaborately embroidered.