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Pope's father, that was agent to th' old Duke, used to employ my father regular on this business, knowing him for a silent man, and one to be trusted; and my father had made a very pretty catchet some way back-along in the cave, big enough to hold two score of kegs, and well above reach of the sea-water. But, o' course, while he was at this kind of work, Mr.

He had the haziest notions of how money was acquired. But from infancy he had perforce attended chapel. "He took up a collection." "What?" "He took up a collection, Miss: the same as Mr Pamphlett does on Sunday. Back-along, when he was at sea " "Alcibiades," said Miss Oliver on a sudden impulse, feeling for her purse. "What would you say if I gave you two pennies for your bright new one?

"Well, to start with, you don't suppose Mr Rogers got his stroke for nothin'? 'Twas the news about the Saltypool that bowled him out: an' between you an' me, in a few days there's goin' to be a dreadful mess. He always was a speckilator. The more money he made and he made a lot, back-along the more he'd risk it: and the last year or two his luck has been cruel.

Now, I wants four o' ye to rig up a hammock o' some sort, wid lines an' a tarpaulin, an' help me tote the lady back-along to the harbor. Step lively, men!" A few of the men ventured to show something of the amazement which they all felt by staring at him, round-eyed and open-mouthed; but he glared them down in short order.

But they started back-along as well as they could, though they were so done up that they could only drag along at a' amble, and not much of that at a time. "We shall never, never get there!" groaned Mr. Toogood, quite bowed down. "Never!" groans the clerk. "'Tis a judgment upon us for our iniquities!" "I fear it is," murmurs the pa'son.