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It must be so, and it is the manifest destiny of the race to improve it. Man is a spirit cursed with a mortal body, which glues him to the earth, and his yearning to rise, which is innate, is, I believe, only a part of his probation and trial." "Show us how it can be done," shouted his listeners in chorus. "Apergy is and must be able to do it," Ayrault continued.

Here we have an incessant and rather pleasant sound, with no visible cause." "It may possibly be some peculiarity of the grass," replied Cortlandt, "though, should it continue when we reach sandy or bare soil, I shall believe we need a dose of quinine." "I FEEL perfectly well," said Ayrault; "how is it with you?"

Going to the second story, they opened a large window and let down a ladder, on which the spirit ascended at their invitation. Bearwarden and Ayrault immediately set about combining the chemicals that were to produce the force necessary to repel them from Saturn.

Richard Ayrault, a large stockholder and one of the honorary vice-presidents in the company, was about thirty, a university man, by nature a scientist, and engaged to one of the prettiest society girls, who was then a student at Vassar, in the beautiful town of Poughkeepsie.

"This," said Ayrault, "is good luck. We could of course have gone into the shadow; but to change our course would have delayed us, and we might have lost part of the chance of increasing our speed." "There will be no danger from, meteors or sub-satellites here," said Bearwarden, "for anything revolving about the moon at this distance would be caught by the earth."

I fear, however, that my return to earth greatly distressed the waterer of the flowers you showed me." "She already sleeps," replied the spirit, "and I have comforted her by a dream in which she sees that you are well." "When shall we start?" asked Bearwarden. "As soon as you can get ready," replied Ayrault.

Accordingly, choosing a large overhanging palm, Bearwarden and Ayrault fired each an explosive ball into its trunk, about eighteen inches from the ground. One round was enough to put it in the water, each explosion removing several cubic feet of wood.

As the bier advanced, Bearwarden and Ayrault recognized themselves among the pallbearers the former with grey mustache and hair, the latter considerably aged. The hermetically sealed lead coffin was inclosed in a wooden case, and the whole was draped and covered with flowers.

It was quixotic to let you undertake this journey." "An undertaker would have given me his kind offices for one even longer, had I remained here," replied Ayrault. "I cannot live in this humdrum world without you. The most sustained excitement cannot even palliate what seems to me like unrequited love." "O Dick!" she exclaimed, giving him a reproachful glance, "you mustn't say that.

"Do tell me," said Ayrault, "how you were able to answer my thought." "I see the vibrations of the grey matter of your brain as plainly as the movements of your lips"; in fact, I see the thoughts in the embryonic state taking shape." When their meal was ready they sat down, Ayrault placing the spirit on his right, with Cortlandt on his left, and having Bearwarden opposite.