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An autumn wind was blowing out of the park, doubtless carrying seeds and dead leaves, and gusting down the street, blowing about the sparkling lamps, eddying in the area-ways, rapping in passing on the loose windows.... The lights in the houses were all warm, because you saw only the glowing yellow shades: Third Avenue was lit up and down with shop-windows, and people were doing late marketing.

What had possessed her to sing at that moment? A block above or below his window, and no one would have heard, not even the policeman. This time the laughter bubbled. It was all so funny. She had heard every word of their conversation. She had seen the match flare in the young man's face. Fortunately they had not thought to peer into the area-ways.

But when they saw us keep to our own side of the way, they stopped their chaffing and allowed us to go by, with just a mocking word or two. "Sarah ought to be very much obliged to you," whispered Lena. At the corner of Third Avenue I paused. I had seen nothing so far but bare stoops and dark area-ways.

He jumped from the cab, ran up the steps, and rang the bell, rang it ten times with minute intervals. And no one answered. Then he heard a call from across the street. A man stood in one of the area-ways. "Nobody home!" he shouted. "Gone to Egypt." "But there was some one here last night," Hillard shouted back. "Last night? Guess you've got the wrong street and wrong house, young man."

There was a degree of sociability in those back streets, a visiting from window to window, gossipy gatherings in front area-ways, a sort of pavement domesticity, that I had never seen before. Being a lover myself of such friendly intercourse I could actually feel the hum and warmth of that neighbourhood.