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It was the longest and coldest spell ever known in Kilo, and it hung on and hung on until the entire hen population of Eastern Iowa became disgusted and went on a strike. Eggs went up in price until even packed eggs of the previous summer sold for twenty-seven and thirty cents a dozen, and angel-cake became an impossible dainty.

A curious awe attached to this idea, in which I fully shared, as, being formed in line, I tried to limp martially behind the valiant Lunette. "Halt, by clam!" said our general. "What is it?" came in whispers along the line. "Flory dressed him by candlelight this mornin', so 't she could get time to make three loaves o' angel-cake for the flag-raisin'."

And she dreamed that she opened a shop—a big shop this wason the top of a huge white cloud. She dreamed that her customers were all little boy and girl angels with floating, golden curls and shining rainbow-colored wings. She dreamed that she sold nothing but cake. She used to cut generous slices from an angel-cake as big as the golden dome of the Boston state house.

"If you have time, I wish you would," Mrs. Carew said, touching the frosted top of an angel-cake with a tentative finger. "I may have to play to-night, Celia," she went on, to her own cook, "but you girls can manage everything, can't you? Dinner really doesn't matter scrambled eggs and baked potatoes, something like that, and you'll have to serve it on the side porch." "Oh, yes'm, we'll manage!"

Mine's in that frame of mind now that transforms my gingerbread into angel-cake, but the time may come when I'll have to beat my eggs to a fluff even for angel-cake, so's not to have it taste like gingerbread to him. "Oh no, he's not with me this trip. I just run down for a lark to show my folks my ring an' things, an' let 'em see it's really so. He give me considerable jewelry.

Vesty was there with the rest, munching a slice of angel-cake fit food for her! I smiled kindly upon her, but did not forget that I was an indifferent bean-pole. "Major!" cried the Basin, toward the close of the repast, with its mouth sweet and full "Major, a speech! a speech!"

Up from Lee, down from Little Stone Gap, and from over in Scott, came the valley-farmers horseback, in buggies, hacks, two-horse wagons, with wives, mothers, sisters, sweethearts, in white dresses, flowered hats, and many ribbons, and with dinner-baskets stuffed with good things to eat old ham, young chicken, angel-cake and blackberry wine to be spread in the sunless shade of great poplar and oak.