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Van Anden sank upon his knees, as the drooping lids closed again, and his voice was low and tremulous: "Father, into thy hands we commit this spirit. Thy will be done." In a moment more all was bustle and confusion.

den anden side vi ikke alene regne med, at Nordengland er en aflægger af norsk sagakultur; den er tillige en banebryder for dens rigere udvikling. Vi har set det med dragekampen, der optages væsenlig fra engelske forestillinger, og som vistnok ad den vej finder ind i de norsk-islandske æventyrsagaer og historiske traditioner".

Van Anden was tramping about in his room, over the side piazza, a very unusual proceeding with him at that hour of the day; his windows were open, and he was singing, and the fresh lake wind brought tune and words right down to Ester's ear: "I would not have the restless will That hurries to and fro, Seeking for some great thing to do, Or wondrous thing to know; I would be guided as a child, And led where'er I go.

Besides, her keen judgment had, of late, settled back upon the belief that Dr. Van Anden lived a life that would bear watching a true, earnest, manly life; also, that he was a man not likely to be deceived.

Van Anden was a surprisingly graceful fellow, who got his six foot of stature in more places during the day than any of the smaller men. He was evidently a cowboy because he wanted to be one.

Do you think it is kindness to keep a friend in ignorance of what very nearly concerns him, simply to spare his feelings for a little?" "Why, Dr. Van Anden, you do not think you do not mean that tell me exactly what you mean." But the Doctor's answer was grave, anxious, absolute silence.

This he said aloud; but something made answer down in his heart: "Oh, it's very silly of you to talk in this way. You know perfectly well that Dr. Van Anden is not a contemptible puppy at all.

"Miss Sadie, I have been watching for you. I have a few words that are burning to be said." "Proceed," said Sadie, standing with demurely folded hands, and a mock gravity in her roguish eyes. "I want to do justice at this late day to Dr. Van Anden. I misjudged him, wronged him, perhaps prejudiced you against him. I want to undo my work."

Van Anden to-night; because you think a man interferes with what doesn't concern him, is no reason why you should grow flushed and angry, and forget that you're a lady.

Douglass, who had placed himself in precisely the same position in which he had stood when they had met there before. Dr. Van Anden started forward, and the two gentlemen clasped hands as they had never in their lives done before. Dr. Douglass broke the beautiful silence first with earnestly spoken words: "Doctor, will you forgive all the past?" And Dr.