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"Obstinate youth! you force me to perform my duty to your mother my sister, and command you to visit Almvik no longer. I will not burden my conscience by abetting you in your misconduct." "I will remain a few days longer," replied Gottlieb without evincing the slightest emotion, "to rest myself after my journey, and then I shall be ready to obey your command." "Right," muttered Mrs.

H occasionally aggravated by the pangs of jealousy, but she was also tormented by the thought that her husband entirely confided in her own fidelity, thus at once cutting off the possibility of a love quarrel and a reconciliation. Upon the evening when we first made the personal acquaintance of the inmates of Almvik, Mr.

About a half a mile from the valley the name of which we shall conceal, as many personages who are to play a part in our little story are still living was situated the estate of Almvik, which the present proprietor Fabian H , had purchased one year before, and had immediately removed thither with his family. Mr.

"But if, when I return, I discover that that villain from Almvik has been poaching on my grounds, he must look to safety. In you, Magde, I can place all confidence, and shall therefore say nothing further. And now farewell. Remember me firstly to my father, and then to my sister, and my children. "Your faithful husband, "RAGNAR LONNER.

Gottlieb arrived at the latticed gate of the court-yard at Almvik, just in time to salute the young ladies from the parsonage as they drove forth from the yard on their return home. They appeared somewhat displeased, and returned Gottlieb's bow with a stiff and cold salute. Mr.

When Gottlieb returned to Almvik, he learned that his worthy uncle, whom as he before knew had left the house early that morning, was not expected to return until late in the evening. In consequence of this unfortunate circumstance, Gottlieb saw nothing before him except a vexatious delay in his intended operations; but it soon entered his mind that Mr.

"Yes, but I think that if Ragnar has disturbed the hunting grounds of Almvik, he may consider himself fortunate if the proprietor has not poached upon his own premises in return. The affairs of Almvik are far differently conducted than they were formerly, under the sway of the ancient proprietor."

"Will you permit me to inquire what that accident was?" "With pleasure. I had I tell you this in confidence I had chosen one of the pastor's daughters as his wife; I invited her to Almvik to-day, but he avoided her presence. He retired to that solitude which he seeks every evening either before or after we go out on our drive.

She was perfectly convinced that the proprietor of Almvik would willingly assist her; but he would do it too willingly, for afterwards he would cause her to feel that she was in his debt. "But," thought she in a maze of doubt and fear, "what shall I do?

She also affirmed that she would stake her life upon the issue that she would not find, even if she should search the scriptures through, such an absurd command. And she was right. She would not find it. In the immediate neighborhood of Almvik, Mr. H was reverenced as a wealthy nobleman, and a man of power.