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It was not their destiny to die from the want of water. Alas! a far more horrible doom was in store for them a doom that I almost shudder to recount. As the day advanced, their cries for water "agoa! agoa!" became more frequent and plaintive. There were some who shouted in anger.

Even at that moment, as I passed the hatchway, I could hear them calling for "water water," some in their native tongue, and others in hopes of being better understood in that language best-known along the African Coast the Portuguese repeating the word: "Agoa agoa!" Unhappy beings! I shuddered as I reflected on what was before them.

He is a stranger here." "Ey knoas neawt abowt him, lort abbut, 'cept that he cum to Pendle a twalmont agoa," replied Ashbead; "boh ey knoas fu' weel that t'eawtcumbling felly robt me ot prettiest lass i' aw Lonkyshiar aigh, or i' aw Englondshiar, fo' t' matter o' that." "What manner of man is he?" inquired the abbot.

And it came to pass that when the scouts gave notice that the Castillians were at hand, he ordered the trumpets to be sounded, and the Portugueze sallied, and a little below the city, at the place which is now called Agoa de Mayas, the two squadrons met. Then was the saying of Arias Gonzalo fulfilled, that kinsmen should kill kinsmen, and brother fall by his brother's hand.

As no notice was taken of them, and those to whom they appealed passed carelessly on, their voices would sink again into the deep continuous murmur of despair. It is probable that up to this period the moment when the raft was ready the only agony which they had experienced was thirst; for I noticed, on last passing them, that their cries had not changed. It was still agoa! agoa! water! water!

Don Rodrigo Frojaz was at this time recovering of the wounds which he had received at Agoa de Mayas, and he said unto the King that it behoved him above all things to put his kingdom upon the hazard of a battle; for his brother being a greater lord of lands than he, and richer in money and more powerful in vassals, could maintain the war longer than he could do, who peradventure would find it difficult another year to gather together so good an army as he had now ready.

In February 1593 we fell with the Eastermost land of Africa at a place called Baia de Agoa some 100 leagues to the Northeast of the Cape of Good Hope: and finding the winds contrary, we spent a moneth or fiue weekes before we could double the Cape.