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The discontinuance of the Cimarron agency may have the effect to cause the Muaches to remove either to that reservation or to the Abiquiu agency, now located at Tierra Amarilla, in the north-western part of the Territory. These three bands have generally been peaceable, and friendly to the whites.

These bands the Muache band, numbering about 650, heretofore at the Cimarron agency, and the other two bands, numbering 870, at the Abiquiu agency are all parties to the treaty made with the several bands of Utes in 1868. It has been desired to have these Indians remove to their proper reservation in Colorado; but all efforts to this end have thus far proved futile.

Cook, after granting a sufficient rest to his men, and after obtaining supplies at Abiquiu, started out again to hunt the Jiccarillas. He was so fortunate soon after as to find a fresh trail, and in hot haste followed it for several days, when, unfortunately, he was caught in a furious snow-storm which obliterated the tracks of the Indians, besides otherwise greatly damaging his resources.

There being nothing more that could be accomplished by the pursuit, consequently, Col. Cook ordered his men to face about, and they having done so, he made a direct march to Abiquiu, a Mexican village that is located on the Rio Chamo, a tributary of the Rio del Norte. The design he had in going there was to recruit his men and animals. Their sufferings had been severe.

"And to the west and north?" "To the north there is a trail to Abiquiu, rarely used, and to the west there is only La Puerta, into which all the other trails from the east and south concentrate. It is to watch La Puerta that this camp was established." "And you say you have seen no Navajos or signs of them since you came?" "Yes, plenty of signs, but no Indians.

They went from Sante Fe by way of Abiquiu and the Chama River to the San Juan about where it first meets the north line of New Mexico, and thence across the several tributaries to the head of the Dolores River, which they descended for eleven days. I am at a loss to exactly follow the route, not having been able to consult either the copy or the original of Escalante's diary.

The Mexicans of Abiquiu, from their continued intercourse with bands of the Utah Indians, are more or less linked in with them; and, in time of war, the Americans can place but little confidence in the inhabitants of Abiquiu on this account.

Cook is obliged to return to Abiquiu A Utah taken Prisoner through Mistake Kit Carson goes to Taos and has a Conference with the Chiefs of the Utah Nation Cook's second Scout He is caught in a furious Snow-storm and obliged to return to Rio Colorado Major Brooks and Reinforcements come to the Rescue Major Brooks on the Lookout, but fails to find the Indians Carleton's Expedition Kit Carson goes with it as Guide The Adventures met with Kit Carson's Prophecy comes true The Muache Band of Utahs summoned by Kit Carson to a Grand Council Troubles brewing among these Indians The Small Pox carries off their Head Men.

In visiting them at their home on this particular occasion, Kit Carson had the double object in view of notifying them of the moon when they must meet the superintendent of the Indian affairs of the territory at Abiquiu, a town adjacent to their hunting-grounds, and one which they often frequented, and also, to inform himself of the schemes which they had on foot and their actual wants, so that he could report to the proper authorities the necessary articles of which they stood most in need.

The town of Abiquiu, where Colonel Cook arrived, is about sixty miles northwest from Santa , and a traveler can make a journey through valleys from one town to the other. It stands next to Taos in point of magnitude and importance in the matter of townships in the north of New Mexico.