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Fifty minutes the truth's a-busting on him now! he is reckoning I found the di'monds whilst we was searching, and shoved them in my pocket and never let on yes, and he's starting out to hunt for me. He'll hunt for new tracks in the dust, and they'll as likely send him down the river as up. "Just then I see a man coming down on a mule, and before I thought I jumped into the bush. It was stupid!

"And if I were you I'd walk a heap careful between the rows. I just wouldn't go a-busting any more of these posies." Lanpher went. He went carefully. He was followed quite as carefully by Racey Dawson. When Lanpher was free of the neat rows he looked up venomously into the face of Alicran Skeel who had meticulously ridden round the garden.

They neither of 'em know no more about loading a gun than they do about being archbishops; but they will do it, and they'll be a-busting of 'em some day. Firing again, just as if we don't know the first was a recall! Here, who's got a loaded pistol?" "Here you are, matey," said Tom Tully. "Fire away, then, uppards," said the gunner; "and let 'em know that we want help."

She run her eye over the map and got inside the railroad projects somehow, blessed if I know how; and then she just went off fifty miles out of the track others was taking, and bought up all the land she could pay for, and got trusted for all the credit that that brought her; and here she is now, with Eupolia building right up on her land, and just a-busting up her quarter-sections into city lots, day after day, till you can't rest.

"Our friend Barney is already accounted for, Hampton," cried Mr Frewen. "What? you have tackled him?" said Bob Hampton excitedly, slapping his knee. "Yes, that we have, Bob," I cried, "and he is quite safe." "Then I scuses you all for laughing, gentlemen; though it did seem rather a rum thing to me for you to be a-busting out in a loud grin at a serus time like this. I see now. You met him then?"