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But it was soon observed, that the only use which they made of their funds was to establish lecturers in all the considerable churches; men who, without being subjected to Episcopal authority, employed themselves entirely in preaching and spreading the fire of Puritanism. * State Trials, vol. v. p. 74. Franklyn, p. 839. Rush. vol. ii. p. 150, 151. Whitlocke, p. 15.

In 839 the men of Connaught also suffered a defeat equal to that experienced by those of Meath in the previous campaign; but more unfortunate than the Methians, they lost their leader and other chiefs on the field.

Louis, ever under the sway of Judith, speedily convoked at Worms, in 839, once more and for the last time, a general assembly, whereat, leaving his son Louis of Bavaria reduced to his kingdom in Eastern Europe, he divided the rest of his dominions into two nearly equal parts, separated by the course of the Meuse and the Rhone.

The law of March 14, 1900, provided for refunding into 2 per cent thirty-year bonds, payable, principal and interest, in gold coin of the present standard value, that portion of the public debt represented by the 3 per cent bonds of 1908, the 4 percents Of 1907, and the 5 percents of 1904, Of which there was outstanding at the date of said law $839,149,930, The holders of the old bonds presented them for exchange between March 14 and November 30 to the amount of $364,943,750.

His victory the year after at Hengestdun won a little rest for the land; but Æthelwulf who mounted the throne on Ecgberht's death in 839 had to face an attack which was only beaten off by years of hard fighting.

It was not until the year B.C. 839 that this struggle was terminated by the submission of the monarchs engaged in it to their great adversary, and the firm establishment of a system of "tribute and taxes."

At the annual banquet in 1905, the following statement was made of the financial history of the chorus since 1892: Amount Received Collections from members $ 2,564.60 Fines paid by members 975.60 Gross receipts from concerts 11,299.40 $14,839.60 Amount Disbursed For music $ 2,167.80 For sundry expenses for socials, flowers for sick, contributions for benevolent purposes, etc. 1,035.81 Expenses of concerts 8,506.34 Contributions to church, college, hospital, Sunday School, repairs to organ, etc. 3,050.51 $14,760.46

The HCl is 0.4876 N. How much water must be added to 100 cc. of the alkali to make it exactly 0.5 N.? !Answer!: 9.0 cc. What is the normal value of a sulphuric acid solution which has a specific gravity of 1.839 and contains 95% H SO by weight? !Answer!: 35.61 N. From the following data calculate the percentage purity of the sample: Wt. sample = 0.9500 gram H SO used = 43.65 cc.

The official returns of the Eleventh Census and those of the Tenth Census for seventy-five leading cities furnish the basis for the following comparisons: In 1880 the capital invested in manufacturing was $1,232,839,670. In 1890 the capital invested in manufacturing was $2,900,735,884. In 1880 the number of employees was 1,301,388. In 1890 the number of employees was 2,251,134.

A more refined conception represents man as receiving life from the breath of God, whence easily comes the idea that man is the child of God and has in him a spark of divinity. +839+. Ethnogonic myths. Early science has to account not only for the origin of the world and the human race, but also for the origin of particular tribes and their surroundings.