United States or Vatican City ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The vote stood 106,909 ayes, 81,481 noes, a majority of 25,428 votes on the amendment and of 9,791 over the total vote cast at the election.

Total resistance in absolute units 2.435 3.648 4.718 5.787 x10^9 x10^9 x10^9 x10^9 Intensity in chemical units 17.67 10.99 8.09 6.28 Intensity in absolute units 2.828 1.759 1.295 1.005 Work done i squaredR in absolute units 1948.6 1129.2 791.3 584.9 x10^7 x10^7 x10^7 x10^7 Work done i squaredR in kilogrammes 198.6 115.1 80.66 59.62 Power expended in kilogrammes 301.5 141.0 86.25 83.25

The very day you sent your letter to the post-office, the 12th instant, was a day set apart for prayer, with fasting, to ask the Lord for means." There were also circulated during the year 1,334,791 tracts and books. Letters received from the persons who distributed them show that they were greatly blessed in awakening and converting souls.

In his return he touched upon one of the Shoals, the same as he was upon the first time he was out; he here saw a great number of Turtle, 3 of which he Caught weighing 791 pounds. This occasion'd my sending him out again this morning provided with proper gear for Striking them, he having before nothing but a Boat Hook.

* Dugdale, p. 798. Dugdale, p. 791. * Dugdale, p. 820. Dugdale, p. 877. v Dugdale, p. 826, 827 What rendered an accommodation more desperate was, that the demands on these three heads, however exorbitant, were acknowledged, by the parliamentary commissioners, to be nothing but preliminaries.

Of the votes cast, 1410 were upon a subsequent examination found to have been legal, while 4908 were illegal. Of the total number, 5427 votes were given to the pro-slavery and only 791 to the free-State candidates.

Nevertheless, it should not be overlooked that the shippers played their distinct and useful part in their time and age, the spirit of which was intensely ultra-competitive and individualistic in the most sordid sense. Allen's "Biographical Dictionary," Edition of 1857:791. Hunt's "Lives of American Merchants":382. Allen's "Biographical Dictionary," Edit. of 1857:227.

The two robes of silver fox alone had cost eighty-five hundred dollars, but that was nothing; Mrs. Pumpelly in her stockings cost Pierpont at least ten times that every year. But he could afford it with Cruce at 791. So, having moved from Athens to the metropolis, they had a glorious time. Out home the Pierpont had been simply a P. and no questions asked as to what it stood for; P. Pumpelly.

This, Bessemer no doubt would deal with in due course, but meanwhile he did well "to concentrate his energies upon the steel operations," after which he would have time to tackle "the difficulties which have so far retarded the iron operations." Ibid., p. 791. Mushet claims to have taken out his patent of September 22, 1856, covering the famous "triple compound," after he

In the same period France lost twelve ships of 28,027 tons; Russia six ships of 21,775 tons; Japan seven ships of 4,801, and Italy four ships of 17,758 tons. The losses of Germany, Austria and Turkey in 1915 were placed at eighty-nine ships, with a gross tonnage of 262,791.