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There seems to have been no want of expeditions against the inhabitants of the Alps: in 636 there was a triumph over the Stoeni, who were probably settled in the mountains above Verona; in 659 the consul Lucius Crassus caused the Alpine valleys far and wide to De ransacked and the inhabitants to be put to death, and yet he did not succeed in killing enough of them to enable him to celebrate a village triumph and to couple the laurels of the victor with his oratorical fame.

Owing to this fact, likewise, the weight of the water that must be evaporated diminishes just so much. Now, one kilogramme of water requires 636 heat units to cause it to pass from the liquid to the gaseous state, while one kilogramme of alcohol requires only 230 heat units to vaporize it.

Professor Hinsdale in his "History" publishes a significant little table showing that in 1870 the ratio of Michigan students to the population of the State was one to 2,300. This ratio was increased slightly ten years later and then dropped to one in 1,802 in 1890, one in 1,206 in 1900, and to one in 992 in 1910. The 1920 census shows one in 636.

He was also attacked by tribesmen who had been considered friendly to the British and who issued from villages along the route. There was some sharp fighting in which the losses were heavy on both sides. The British had 373 men killed or wounded, while the Arab dead numbered 636.

Gill, quoted in Gerland and Waitz's Anthropologie, v. 641. See also pp. 636-640, where many facts of parental and filial love are quoted. Primitive Folk, London, 1891. Gerland, loc. cit. v. 636. Erskine, quoted in Gerland and Waitz's Anthropologie, v. 640. W.T. Pritchard, Polynesian Reminiscences, London, 1866, p. 363.

Agiluf 591 to 615 originally duke of Turin, met with much opposition from the power of the dukes; but when we come to the time of Rhotari 636 to 652 we find their power already declining, and in the eighth century, as for example under Liutprand 712 to 736 the laws show them reduced to the position of the other judices, but still representing a high aristocracy whose consent was, as we have seen, necessary to all acts of the king.

SUFFRAGE, POLITICAL CONDITION, INDUSTRIAL AND PROFESSIONAL STATUS: Women 21 years old or more who are mothers or guardians of a child of school age are eligible to the office of school trustee and may vote for such officers. There are 12 women in the ministry, 1 dentist, 2 journalists, 4 lawyers, 4 doctors, 628 saloon keepers, 2 bankers, etc. Arkansas POPULATION: Male 675,312; female 636,252.

Singan, or Singan-fu in the province of Shensee. In the year 1625, a stone was found here, inscribed with Chinese characters and a Syrian inscription round the borders, implying, that in the year 636, the Nestorians had sent Olopuen into China to propagate the gospel; and that the emperor Tai-sum-ven had approved this step, and allowed the Christian religion to be propagated through all China, with many other particulars relative to the history of Christianity in China.

There was laid out for the circulation of tracts, from May 26, 1853, to May 26, 1854, the sum of £563, 5s. 0½d.; and there were circulated 869,636 tracts. The total number of all the tracts which were circulated from the beginning up to May 26, 1854, was 2,689,676.

Up to 12,000 feet the temperature had decreased consistently from 82 degrees to 47 degrees, after which it increased 6 degrees in the next 2,000 feet. This by no means uncommon experience shall be presently discussed. The balloon was now steadily manoeuvred up to 18,636 feet, at which height freezing point was practically reached.