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Billy Crow would never have been deputed by No. 13,476 to carry their warrant down to the west country, and establish the nucleus of an Orange Lodge in the town of Foxleigh; such being, in brief, the reason why he, a very well known manufacturer of "leather continuations" in Dublin, had ventured upon the perilous journey from which he was now returning. Mr.

Helps: Spanish Conquest, IV, 401. Helps, op. cit., I, 219-220. Helps, op. cit., II, 18-19. Helps, op. cit., III, 211-212. Theal: History and Ethnography of South Africa before 1795, I, 476. Ingram: History of Slavery, p. 152. That was a wonderful century, the fifteenth, when men realized that beyond the scowling waste of western waters were dreams come true.

After they had remained in bulk for sufficient time the pilchards were cleansed from the salt and closely packed in hogsheads, each of which contains about 2,400 fish, and weighs about 476 pounds. The pressure to which they are subjected forces the oil out through the open joints of the cask.

The Meditation was perhaps partly suggested by Swift's Meditation upon a Broomstick. Swift's Works , iii. 275. Thomas Burnet of the Charterhouse, in his Sacred Theory of the Earth, ed. 1722, i. 85. See ante, i. 476, and ii. 73. WALTER SCOTT. See ante, ii. 50. See ante, i. 408, and ii. 329. She married the Earl of Derby, and was the great-grandmother of the present Earl. Burke's Peerage.

The new power was the Germanic peoples, those wandering tribes who, after shattering the Roman Empire, were destined to form the modern nations of Europe and to find in Christianity the religion most admirably adapted to fill their spiritual needs and shape their ideals. In the year 476 the barbarian Odoacer ascended the throne of the Caesars.

In 476 Hieron founded, near the mountain but we may suppose at a safe distance, the new city of Aitna, in honour of which he had himself proclaimed as an Aitnaian after this and other victories in the games. And in this same year, 474, he had defeated the Etruscans, or Tuscans, or Tyrrhenians in a great sea-fight before Cumae.

They acclaimed him as their king, and after beheading Orestes and getting possession of Romulus Augustus, he compelled him to abdicate before the senate, and the senate to declare that the western empire was extinct. This happened in the third year of the emperor Zeno the Isaurian, the ninth of Pope Simplicius, A.D. 476.

The number of Bibles, Testaments, and portions of the Holy Scriptures, which have been circulated since May 26, 1856, is as follows: Bibles sold, 601. Bibles given away, 1,476. Testaments sold, 829. Testaments given away, 393. Copies of the Psalms sold, 151. Other small portions of the Holy Scriptures sold, 316.

Among their presuppositions, in the period next to be treated, was that America might argue and threaten, but would not fight. There was here no miscalculation, for she did not fight till too late, and she fought wholly unprepared. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. i. p. 476. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. i. pp. 472-474. Ibid., p. 503.

The debts of the various allied countries' to Great Britain on March 31, 1921, according to a schedule annexed to the financial statement for 1921-22, published by the British Treasury, came to £1,777,900,000, distributed as follows: France 557 millions, Italy 476 millions, Russia 561 millions, Belgium 94 millions, Serbia 22 millions, Portugal, Rumania, Greece and other Allies 66 millions.