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"If I only get it into the open I'll set the dogs on to it." He spoke to Saunders of the suggestion. "It's jolly good idea," he said; "only we won't wait till we find it out of doors. We'll get the dogs. There are the two terriers and the under-keeper's Irish mongrel that's on to rats like a flash. Your spaniel has not got spirit enough for this sort of game."

"The horses are at the under-keeper's hut," said Albert, "and the relays only eighteen or twenty miles off. If the horses can but carry you so far" "Will you not rather," interrupted Alice, "trust to the concealments of this place, so numerous and so well tried Rochecliffe's apartments, and the yet farther places of secrecy?" "Alas!" said Albert, "I know them only by name.

"It was Rorie's last night, you see, mamma," apologised Vixen, "and I knew you and papa would like him to come, and that you wouldn't mind his shooting-clothes a bit, though they do make him look like the under-keeper, except that the under-keeper's better looking than Rorie, and has finished growing his whiskers, instead of living in the expectation of them."

But Albert stopped not to make observations, anxious, it seemed, to get Joceline out of the room; which he achieved by hastily answering his offers of fresh fuel, and more liquor, in the negative, and returning, with equal conciseness, the under-keeper's good wishes for the evening.

I have, indeed, come from the under-keeper's hut you mention to this place, but it was by daylight, and under guidance I shall never find my way thither in utter darkness, and without a guide I fear you must let the Colonel go with me; and I entreat and command, you will put yourself to no trouble or risk to defend the house only make what delay you can in showing its secret recesses."