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Listening again, the similitude that seemed appropriate at first was cast aside for another, and then another still. The hidden singers scattered all about their rushy island were small, fantastic, human minstrels, performing on a variety of instruments, some unknown, others recognizable bones and castanets, tiny hurdy-gurdies, piccolos, banjos, tabours, and Pandean pipes a strange medley!

Then Merlin turned and described a circle with a wand and then came and sat by her again at the fountain. At noon she saw coming out of the forest many ladies and knights and squires, holding each other by the hand and singing in the greatest joy; then came men with timbrels and tabours and dancing, so that one could not tell one-fourth part of the sports that went on.

That warrior at the top of whose flagstaff two handsome and sonorous tabours called Nanda and Upananda are constantly played upon, he, O Sauvira chief, hath a correct knowledge of the morality of his own acts. Men that have attained success always walk in his train.

Then conches, and kettle-drums, and tabours, and large drums, and cymbals, and Dindimas, and Jharjharas, were loudly blown and beaten on all sides! Indeed, those loud-sounding instruments were blown and beaten, O king, among both the armies. Leonine roars also arose, uttered by brave warriors for victory.

And when all things were duly prepared for the king's reception, he mounted his war-horse, and rode into Calais with a triumphant clamour of trumpets, clarions, and tabours; the drum now sounding for the first time on French ground.

The like is founde in the booke of Samuel, after that Dauid had slaine Goliath, that many women came out of all the townes of Israel singing and daunsing before King Saule, with tabours, rebeckes, and other instrumentes of harmonie, or musicke.

That warrior at the top of whose flagstaff two handsome and sonorous tabours called Nanda and Upananda are constantly played upon, he, O Sauvira chief, hath a correct knowledge of the morality of his own acts. Men that have attained success always walk in his train.

His mistress frowned, and bit her lips; but the signals were lost upon him, and he sung out, in an exulting tone "When the lads of the village so merrily, ah! Sound their tabours, I'll hand thee along." "Fool! Dolt! Idiot!" cried his Araminta, rising furious "out of my sight!" Then, sinking down upon the chair, she burst into tears, and threw herself into the arms of her pale, astonished Angelina.

The English carles danced, not indeed around an altar, but around a bunt pole crowned with such flowers as were in season; and one of them, like the youth who in the Dionysiac dance masqueraded as the god, was decked out duly as Robin Hood 'with a magpye's plume to hys capp, we are told, and sometimes 'a russat bearde compos'd of horses hair. The most famous of the dances for Robin Hood was the 'pageant. Herein appeared, besides the hero himself and various tabours and pipers, a 'dysard' or fool, and Friar Tuck, and Maid Marian 'in a white kyrtele and her hair all unbrayded, but with blossoms thereyn. This 'pageant' was performed at Whitsun, at Easter, on New-Year's day, and on May-day.

When he is not in campe, he ofte tymes cometh abroade: bothe to giue sentence, and to heare matters dependyng in question. And if it be time of daie to trimme his bodie: he bothe heareth the pleaes, and is rubbed in the meane season with the skrapers afore mencioned, by thre of his women. There go afore hym Tabours and Belles.