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Pierre, in his turn, then became impassioned, and for a whole month continued studying the affair, powerfully attracted by the visionary's pure, upright nature, but indignant with all that had subsequently sprouted up the barbarous fetishism, the painful superstitions, and the triumphant simony.

And, in consideration of that undertaking, the Spanish cardinals, on their side, promised to give him their suffrages. Here are the precise words in which Burchard records the transaction: "Eadem die, 29 Octobris, Rmus. If that does not entail simony and sacrilege, then such things do not exist at all.

He was educated in a monastery in Rome, and spent some time in France, in the great monastery of Cluny. He became the influential adviser of the popes who immediately preceded him. The great aim of Hildebrand and of his supporters one of the most prominent of whom was the zealous Peter Damiani, bishop of Ostia was to abolish simony and the marriage of priests.

Might he not allude to the detestable and never-enough-to-be-condemned sin of simony which, as they knew only too well, had fattened in the Dominican convent at B ? What should he say of that Friar Minor, the famous preacher of S , who had been found dead of a surfeit of melons and white wine? Alas! he brought the taint of gluttony a deadly sin upon his order!

The King replied to her with much politeness, assured her she should be contented, and passed on. Madame de Soubise was so much the more piqued because Cardinal de Bouillon had acquainted the King with the simony she had committed, and assuredly if he had not been ignorant of this he would never have supported her in the affair.

On the contrary, Hus held it the duty of kings to restrain the wickedness of the clergy and root out simony. The Council of Constance is Called to Convene.

The ancient world forced a number of people to do the work of the world first, before it allowed more privileged people to fight about the government of the world. The truth is trite enough, of course; it is in the single word Slavery, which is not the name of a crime like Simony, but rather of a scheme like Socialism. Sometimes very like Socialism.

It followed from this assumption of the supreme legislative power that, in the first place, the Pope himself claimed not to be bound by the laws which he made. Thus in the thirteenth century papal writers denied that the Roman Church could commit simony.

It was a letter calling on the king to assist in summoning a General Council, that might reform the abuses of the Church, and begin by deposing Pope Alexander, who was not rightfully Pope, being a vicious unbeliever, elected by corruption and governing by simony. This fact was not what Tito knew, but what his constructive talent, guided by subtle indications, had led him to guess and hope.

Louis XIV. did not approve of the liberty thus taken by his chairman, and said to him, in a very angry tone, 'D'Aigremont, you have been made to do a very unbecoming act, and I am sure there must be simony in the case. 'No, Sire, there is not the least ceremony in the case, I assure you, answered the poor man, in great consternation; 'the abbe only said he would give me a hundred Louis. 'D'Aigremont, said the King, 'I forgive you on account of your ignorance and candour.