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Lieutaud, and have given rise to an interrupted pulse, and laborious palpitations, by suffering a return of part of the blood into the heart. Nor are any parts of the body so liable to schirrosity as the lymphatic glands and vessels, insomuch that their schirrosities have acquired a distinct name, and been termed scrophula.

Miss Porter told me, that when he was first introduced to her mother, his appearance was very forbidding: he was then lean and lank, so that his immense structure of bones was hideously striking to the eye, and the scars of the scrophula were deeply visible.

In some diseases, as in the diabetes and scrophula, it is probable the valves themselves are diseased, and are thence incapable of preventing the return of the fluids they should support. Thus the valves of the aorta itself have frequently been found schirrous, according to the dissections of Mons.

Young Johnson had the misfortune to be much afflicted with the scrophula, or king's evil, which disfigured a countenance naturally well formed, and hurt his visual nerves so much, that he did not see at all with one of his eyes, though its appearance was little different from that of the other.

In constitutions predisposed to scrophula, how frequently we see the inoculated smallpox rouse into activity that distressful malady! This circumstance does not seem to depend on the manner in which the distemper has shewn itself, for it has as frequently happened among those who have had it mildly as when it has appeared in the contrary way.

Ocymum covered with salt every night Salt a remote cause of scrophula, and immediate cause of sea-scurvy Coloured spatha of Arum, and blotched leaves, if they serve the purpose of a coloured petal Tulip-roots with a red cuticle produce red flowers Of vegetable mules the internal parts, at those of fructification, resemble the female parent; and the external parts, the male one

This inquiry is not now so much in its infancy as to restrain me from speaking more positively than formerly on the important point of scrophula as connected with the smallpox.

SCROPHULA. The principal difficulty in curing the scrophula, or king's evil, arises from the circumstance, that it may remain concealed for a long time, and thus become deeply rooted in the constitution before its effects are evident. The system requires to be strengthened by the free use of Peruvian bark, sea water and sea bathing, and moderate exercise in the open air.

Hartley is quite well, and my talkativeness is his, without diminution on my side. 'Tis strange but certainly many things go in the blood, beside gout and scrophula. Yesterday I dined at Longman's and met Pratt, and that honest piece of prolix dullity and nullity, young Towers, who desired to be remembered to you.

WENS. These are prevalent chiefly among the inhabitants of marshy countries, bordering on rivers and standing waters, especially among females, and persons of a delicate habit; but they very often arise from scrophula. Camphor mixed with sweet oil, or a solution of sal ammoniac, have often been applied to these tumours with success.