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Forty of us pulled on the rope, while a thousand more stood 'round as solemn as a prayer meeting to give us moral support and shoulder the responsibility. It wasn't no joke hanging a man, but it had to be done, if decent men was to live here." He shook off his depression. "Everybody was in the Plaza sometime in the day, and once a month when Telegraph Hill signaled a steamer, everybody was here."

It is undoubtedly true that partly as a result of ancient traditions and education, partly of genuine feminine characteristics many women are diffident as to their right to moral responsibility and unwilling to assume it.

Are you quite ready?" "Quite; only tell me what I must do. I wish I could help you." "You do?" he answered; and then he bent himself to the work before him, with a sense of its responsibility which exalted it into a deed of the purest chivalry. The widow Smiley did not live on Clatsop Plains.

The responsibility is incalculable, but the victory certain.

What good is it, when it does come? The same questions apply to conscience, loyalty, responsibility, right and wrong. Whence do they come and what are they good for? These questions are simple to ask but when one attempts to answer them in a simple, convincing way, they are found to be full of hidden depths and complexities.

On my own responsibility I am feeding the destitute. Every day I give away to these people between twelve hundred and fifteen hundred loaves of bread; and I give to some who are particularly needy rations of tea and sugar and coffee and rice.

A main source of his popularity was the fund of stories to which he was always adding, and to which in after life, he constantly went for solace, under depression or responsibility, as another man would go to his cigar or snuff box. The taste was not individual but local, and natural to keen-witted people who had no other food for their wits.

"Well, signors," replied he; "I am always ready to accede to your wishes; and since you consider my presence necessary and as I do not think there is any chance of another attack from the Ternate people just now, I will take upon myself the responsibility of leaving the fort for a few days under the charge of my lieutenant, while we do this service to holy Mother Church.

She is at the present time a very striking example of what can be accomplished for the popular welfare by a fearless acceptance on the part of the official leaders of economic as well as political responsibility, and by the efficient and intelligent use of all available means to that end. Inevitably, however, Germany is suffering somewhat from the excess of her excellent qualities.

And this too, at a time when a general confidence in the purity of contemporary literary works has practically done away with parental censorship; when books of evil tendency are as likely to fall into the hands of the young and susceptible as those of elevating tendency a circumstance which adds a new responsibility to the duties of the conscientious writer.