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It was while he was at the top of his fortune that Kearney visited Monterey with his battle-cry against Chinese labour, the railroad monopolists, and the land-thieves; and his one articulate counsel to the Montereyans was to "hang David Jacks." Had the town been American, in my private opinion, this would have been done years ago.

No toothache nor other malady, and no spleen; people die by accident or from old age; indeed the Montereyans have an old proverb, "El que quiere morir que se vaya del pueblo" that is to say, "He who wishes to die must leave the city." While remaining there I had rather a perilous adventure.

The presidio was occupied by the insurgents, and the tyrant was happy to escape on board an English vessel, bound to Acapulco. However, on this occasion the Montereyans did not break their fealty to the Mexican government; they wanted justice, and they took it into their own hands.

The presidio was occupied by the insurgents, and the tyrant was happy to escape on board an English vessel, bound to Acapulco. However, on this occasion the Montereyans did not break their fealty to the Mexican government; they wanted justice, and they took it into their own hands.

The Montereyans are amazingly fond of these fire-works, and every vessel employed in the California trade for hides has always a large supply of them. When all our effects were concealed, we proceeded, first in an easterly, and next in a north-westerly direction, in the hope of coming across some of the horses belonging to the tribe. We had reckoned right.

The unfortunate man later acknowledged that his calamity was a direct visitation of Almighty God for his gross and intentional irreverence to the image of a saint. The writer refrains from giving the name of this man who has long ere this passed to the "Great Beyond" but many Montereyans, who will read this sketch will know it.

On came the governor with his heroes. A queer sight it was, and a noisy set of fellows they were; nevertheless, we could see that they were rather afraid of meeting with opposition, for they stopped at the foot of the hill, and perceiving some eight or ten Montereyans at the top of the pass, they despatched a white flag, to see if it were not possible to make some kind of compromise.

The Montereyans will bear much, yet under their apparent docility and moral apathy there lurks a fire which, once excited, pours forth flames of destruction.

The Montereyans are amazingly fond of these fire-works, and every vessel employed in the California trade for hides has always a large supply of them. When all our effects were concealed, we proceeded first in an easterly, and next in a north-westerly direction, in the hope of coming across some of the horses belonging to the tribe. We had reckoned right.

The Montereyans and their friends were to make way at the approach of the governor, as if afraid of disclosing the ground; and then, when the whole of the hostile enemy should be in full pursuit, we were to charge them in break and put them to rout. All happened as was anticipated; We mustered about three hundred and fifteen men, acting under one single impulse, and sanguine as to success.