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Laing afterwards visited the source of the Tongolelle, a tributary of the Rokelle, and then left Kooranko to enter Soolimana. Kooranko, into which our traveller did not penetrate beyond the frontier, is of vast extent and divided into a great number of small states. The inhabitants resemble the Mandingoes in language and costume, but they are neither so well looking nor so intelligent.

Holkar, for instance, unless common fame traduces him, has rather an itching for what Mr. Laing calls 'hard rupees. His subjects and dependents have decided, and not altogether unintelligible, objections to certain methods which he adopts for indulging this propensity.

Laing, "religion, education, law, police, every branch of public or private business, personal liberty to move from place to place, even from parish to parish within the same jurisdiction; liberty to engage in any branch of trade or industry, on a small or large scale, all the objects, in short, in which body, mind, and capital can be employed in civilised society, were gradually laid hold of for the employment and support of functionaries, were centralised in bureaux, were superintended, licensed, inspected, reported upon, and interfered with by a host of officials scattered over the land, and maintained at the public expense, yet with no conceivable utility in their duties.

She sat down on a garden-seat some way off. Charlie placed himself at the opposite end. A long pause ensued. "I'm afraid I'm precious poor company," said Charlie. "I didn't want you to be company at all," answered Miss Bellairs, and she sloped her parasol until it obstructed his view of her face. "I'm awfully sorry, but I can't stand the sort of rot Deane and Laing are talking." "Can't you?

Are they not full of people who live by telling lies and cheating each other?" "And do you say that is how I have been able to buy my house at Greenock," said Colin Laing, angrily, "with a garden, and a boathouse, too?" "I do not know about that," said Hamish; and then he called out some order to one of the men.

David Laing, the well-known historian and antiquarian. Dr. Hibbert says: 'The anecdotes are from some one obviously on terms of intimacy with Pitcairn'. According to this note Robert Lindsay, a descendant of Sir David Lindsay of the Mount, was at college with the doctor.

"Well, they're together all day, and nobody's with them except a lady's-maid. I should think that's good enough." With a sigh Dora sank back against the cushions. They were at the hotel now; the others had already entered, and, bidding Laing a hearty good-night, Dora ran in, followed closely by Charlie. He did not overtake her before she found her father.

In 1826-27 Timbuctoo was at last visited by two Europeans Major Laing in the former year, who was murdered there; and a young Frenchman, Réné Caillié, in the latter. His account aroused great interest, and Tennyson began his poetic career by a prize-poem on the subject of the mysterious African capital.

He may have been engaged on his "Answer" to the "blasphemous cavillations" of an Anabaptist, his treatise on Predestination. Laing thought that this work was "chiefly written" at Dieppe, in February-April 1559, but as it contains more than 450 pages it is probably a work of longer time than two months.

The camp of the main column was only four miles away, however, and the bodyguard, having sent messages of their precarious position, did all they could to make a defence until help could reach them. Colonel Laing had fallen, shot through the heart, but found a gallant successor in young Nairne, the adjutant.