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Even without that advantage, it seems incredible that they should have been unable to pierce through the atmosphere of duplicity which surrounded them, and to obtain one clear glimpse of the destruction so, steadily advancing upon England. For the famous bull of Sixtus V. had now been fulminated.

Up to what?" "God knows. To some 'game, as they say. To some deviltry. To some duplicity." "Which of course," Mrs. Stringham observed, "is a monstrous supposition." Her companion, after a stiff minute sensibly long for each fell away from her again, and then added to it another minute, which he spent once more looking out with his hands in his pockets.

On the other hand, the states, seeing the anxiety and the duplicity of Don John upon this particular point, came to the resolution to thwart him at all hazards, and insisted on the land journey.

He had asserted from the beginning that the administration was hostile to him; that it had failed in its promises of men and war material; that the President himself had shown duplicity if not treachery in the endeavor to procure the appointment of Benton: and the administration now gave open evidence of its enmity.

"And how can you drink it, you rascal, and you a papist?" asked Phil, still highly delighted with Darby's loyalty. "What would your priest say if he knew it?" "Why," said Darby, quite unconscious of the testimony he was bearing to his own duplicity, "sure they can forgive me that, along with my other sins. But, any how, I have a great notion to leave them and their ralligion altogether."

But the general verdict of historians seems now to be, that Charles I., whose many good qualities as a man and a ruler are cheerfully admitted on all hands, was yet utterly deficient in downright good faith; that duplicity was his besetting sin; and that Glamorgan's embassy is one, but only one, of the strongest evidences of that ingrained duplicity.

March that he had got these cakes from, a descendant of Schiller. His deceit availed with her for the brief moment in which she always, after so many years' experience of his duplicity, believed anything he told her.

That of the King of England is strongly marked by the duplicity which was the distinguishing characteristic both of himself and of his court as then constituted.

I have, of course, frequently been asked the reason of such conduct, to which I have invariably returned no answer, for I scorn duplicity; whereupon people have looked mysteriously, and sometimes put their fingers to their foreheads.

On the many intrigues of that period I often conversed with M. Zola, who was particularly angered by the blind opposition of President Faure and the impudent duplicity of Prime Minister Dupuy. These two were undoubtedly doing their utmost to impede the course of justice. Then suddenly, on February 17, came a thunderbolt.