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As the operations of human understanding divide themselves into two kinds, the comparing of ideas, and the inferring of matter of fact; were virtue discovered by the understanding; it must be an object of one of these operations, nor is there any third operation of the understanding. which can discover it.

"If we once lose that, we shall never find it again." There was an awful silence. Then: "Er didn't I give it to you?" said Berry. His words were the signal for a general uproar. The others fell upon Berry and rent him. As it died down, we heard him bitterly comparing them to wolves and curs about a lion at bay. Then a match was struck and there were groping sounds.

Suddenly, while you are comparing, valuing, and criticizing, the old scales fall over your eyes, you insensibly slip back into the well-worn grooves, and behold all outward and most inward things in nearly the same light as your untraveled neighbor, who has never known "The glory that was Greece And the grandeur that was Rome."

There is no doubt that others which reported an adverse majority were really carried for the amendment. At a public meeting of protest immediately after Miss Gordon made an address recalling the glorious history of the Democratic party and comparing it with this election which had repudiated its highest principles.

Comparing them with what are certainly their nearest parallels the heroes and semi-heroes of Scotch history the contrast strikes one in an instant, yet there is no reason in the nature of things that this should be.

'The gray tyrant father, murmured Annaple in sympathy. 'That being the case, I may as well go back in that direction also. This resulted in finding Lady Delmar and the two Mrs. Egremonts together, comparing notes about the two different roads to Redcastle from their several homes.

The things he can do in this effort at representation, with the dramatist to back him, seem to me innumerable he can carry it to a point! and I take great pleasure in observing them, in recognising and comparing them. It's an amusement like another I don't pretend to call it by any exalted name, but in this vale of friction it will serve.

"I keep it," returned the mate, smiling, "because I know it to keep good time. It has the Greenwich time; and, as your watch has the New York time, by comparing them together, it is quite easy to find the longitude of New York." "Do you, then, keep watches to compare with your chronometers?" asked Rose, with interest.

The step-mother never trusted her, and seemed to misinterpret all her actions, and the poor child knew very well that she often carried unkind and untrue tales to her father. She could not help comparing her present unhappy condition with the time when her own mother was alive only a little more than a year ago so great a change in this short time!

He sobbed, and could not say a single word. At the end of a quarter of an hour, during which Lucien with great difficulty recovered his self-command, the clerk laid before him the copy of the letter and begged him to sign a footnote certifying that the copy was faithful to the original, and might be used in its stead "on all occasions in the course of this preliminary inquiry," giving him the option of comparing the two; but Lucien, of course, took Coquart's word for its accuracy.