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Its carapace is but slightly compressed laterally and hairy, as in Sacculina purpurea; the adherent feet are of considerable size, and the natatory feet are wanting, as, in the adult animal, are the corresponding cirri. As I learn from Mr. Powell in the Mauritius. Eggs of Tetraclita porosa in segmentation, magnified 90 diam.

"It may be" I struggled against the conviction now strong upon me "it may be that within that metallic shell is an organic body, something soft animal, as there is within the horny carapace of the turtle, the nacreous valves of the oyster, the shells of the crustaceans it may be that even their inner surface is organic "

It is not protected by a hard carapace, and its stinging apparatus, however dangerous when hundreds of stings are plunged into the flesh of an animal, is not of a great value for individual defence; while the eggs and larvae of the ants are a dainty for a great number of the inhabitants of the forests.

He was boosted up on the horny carapace of a guard, the bonds on his arms taken off and his numbed hands brought forward, to be held by his captor so that he lay helpless, a cloak over the other's hunched shoulders. The ghost flares of bushes and plants blooming in the gathering twilight gave a limited light to the scene. There was no way of counting the number of Throgs on the move.

To the right, on an eminence that starts from the bottom of the dale and swells in the middle like the carapace of a tortoise, one perceives high, unequal walls, the crumbling tops of which appear one above another. One follows a hedge, climbs a path, and enters an open portal which has sunken into the ground to the depth of one third of its ogive.

The skin finally yields; the wound enlarges, and the viscera are removed and devoured by the matron, who empties the carapace, her head buried in the body of her late companion. The legs of the miserable victim tremble, announcing the end. The murderess takes no notice; she continues to rummage as far as she can reach for the narrowing of the thorax.

Nothing but a combination of motives, more peremptory than the coal on the turtle's back, could have got me to leave the shelter of my carapace; and after memorable interviews, and kindest hospitalities, and grand sights, and huge influx of patriotic pride, for every American owns all America, "Creation's heir, the world, the world is"

The long, spiniform processes on the carapace of the Zoeae of the Crabs and Porcellanae are not to be explained in this way, but their advantage to the larvae is evident. The formation of new limbs beneath the skin of the larvae is also to be referred to an earlier occurrence of processes which originally took place at a later period.

Thus the conclusion is gradually forced upon us, that the body of the lobster is composed of as many rings as there are pairs of appendages, namely, twenty in all, but that the six hindmost rings remain free and movable, while the fourteen front rings become firmly soldered together, their backs forming one continuous shield the carapace.

No trace of a carapace! no trace of the paired eyes! no trace of masticating organs near the mouth which is overarched by a helmet-like hood! Nauplius of a Prawn, magnified 45 diam. Young Zoea of the same Prawn, magnified 45 diam. Older Zoea of the same Prawn, magnified 45 diam.