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None was to be found, till Mrs Twigg remarked that she and the young ladies had some light dresses which would answer the purpose. "Let us have them at once, then," exclaimed Mr Twigg eagerly; "there is no time to be lost." Ellen and Fanny, hurrying to their room, quickly returned with a couple of cambric dresses, such as are generally worn in that warm climate.

Lay aside for me that cambric partlet and pair of sleeves and those roundells of gold fringe, drawn out with cyprus and that short cloak of cherry-coloured fine cloth, garnished with gold buttons and loops; is it not of an absolute fancy, Janet?" "Nay, my lady," replied Janet, "if you consult my poor judgment, it is, methinks, over-gaudy for a graceful habit."

While Lucien was hastening to the torture in Mme. de Bargeton's rooms, his sister had changed her dress for a gown of pink cambric covered with narrow stripes, a straw hat, and a little silk shawl.

She made monstrous paper dickeys, and high black stocks, and great bundling neckcloths; the very pocket-handkerchiefs were as ridiculous as anything, from the waiter-napkin size of good stout cambric to a quarter-dollar bit of a middle with a cataract of "chandelier" lace about it.

Since we cannot tell a man his own secrets, the restraint of being in his company often breeds a desire to pair off in conversation with some more ignorant person, and Mr. Vandernoodt presently said "What a washed-out piece of cambric Grandcourt is! But if he is a favorite of yours, I withdraw the remark." "Not the least in the world," said Deronda. "I thought not.

Once re-established there, she answered no more questions, but with truly aristocratic composure resumed her interrupted task of stuffing a costly bonnet of embroidered cambric and quilled lace with sand. When the bonnet would hold no more, she had arranged to fill her shoe: she was perfectly clear upon the point of having no other engagement so absorbing.

The man before him wore two rings, a diamond and a very beautiful diamond too on the one hand; a seal ring on the other; his hands were delicate to a degree, and his handkerchief, a cambric one of unusually fine texture, was not entirely guiltless of scent. Mr. Carlyle quitted the room for a moment and summoned Joyce to him. "My lady has been asking for you," said Joyce.

There are subjects, my dear, about which a young fellow cannot surely talk to his mamma," insinuated the brother-in-law. "She has written to him," cried the lady, behind the cambric. "What, before he was ill? Nothing more likely." "No, since," the mourner with the batiste mask gasped out; "not before; that is, I don't think so that is, I " "Only since; and you have yes, I understand.

To intensify, if possible, this sentiment in my breast, he has just now pulled out a white cambric handkerchief and pretends to be wiping tears from his eyes.

"And yet the advice to keep the country," said Heriot, "comes from an ancient and constant ornament of the Court." "From an old courtier, indeed," said the earl, "and the first of my family that could so write himself my grey beard falls on a cambric ruff and a silken doublet my father's descended upon a buff coat and a breast-plate.