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"Give these jewels to your betrothed, Beric, as a present from Caesar to the wife of his faithful guard." Beric thanked the emperor in becoming terms, and in the afternoon carried the jewels, which were of great value, to Aemilia. "They are a fortune in themselves," he said; "in case of danger, take them from the casket and conceal them in your garments.

He himself had thought it better to follow as far as he could, the example of his Lord and Master to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. He would not for a moment, however, condemn any who differed from him in carnal policy.

Caesar entirely avoided the blunder into which so many men otherwise on an equality with him have fallen, of carrying into politics the military tone of command; however much occasion his disagreeable relations with the senate gave for it, he never resorted to outrages such as was that of the eighteenth Brumaire. Caesar was monarch; but he was never seized with the giddiness of the tyrant.

No one knew of my delivery, and the child was sent to nurse at Sorrento, and the duke had him baptized under the name of Caesar Philip Land. He remained at Sorrento till he was nine, and then he was boarded with a worthy man, who superintended his education and taught him music.

It must be some strong compulsion which bound her to Caesar, and she could never have looked at him thus unless she had some scheme in which, perhaps, the lady Euryale meant to abet her for escaping her imperial suitor before it was too late. Yes, it must be so; and the oftener he gazed at her the more convinced he felt.

The Achilles of the legend performed no greater feats. Hannibal and Caesar achieved no more striking results. "All I need tell you is that, in fifteen months, Arsène Lupin conquered a kingdom twice the size of France.

As neither Caesar himself nor any of his lieutenants undertook the smallest movement against Africa, the coalition had full time to acquire political and military reorganization there. First of all, it was necessary to fill up anew the place of commander-in-chief vacant by the death of Pompeius.

It might be only treachery; but the Senate had left their families and their property in Rome. The public money was in Rome. They were willing to consent that Caesar should be consul, since so it must be. Unluckily for themselves, they left Pompey to draw up their reply.

He would be a Jew himself, and a friend to all the Jewish people. One of the prophets said he would be like the shepherds of Palestine, who watched their sheep night and day, and carried the small lambs in their arms. But the most important thing about the Messiah was that he would drive Caesar and his armies out of the country. Caesar! How they hated his very name!

All the beauties in Alexandria were walking in the streets in the cool hour before sunset, and really there was no lack of handsome girls. The brothers had even heard that Caesar, who seemed to have renounced the pleasures of love, had yielded to the charms of a lovely Greek.