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But he tells me of the common standard now reckoned on between man and man, in places where there is no alteration of circumstances, but only the houses burnt, there the ground, which with a house on it did yield 100l. a year, is now reputed worth 33l. 6s. 8d.; and that this is the common market-price between one man and another, made upon a good and moderate medium. 4th.

GENERAL: I received, day before yesterday, at the hands of Lieutenant Dunn, your letter of December 8d, and last night, at the hands of Colonel Babcock, that of December 6th.

Here are some of the prices: "To Fawson for hanging Judas 4d. Paid to Fawson for cock crowing 4d. Some got much more than others. Pilate, for instance, who was an important character, got 4s., while two angels only got 8d. between them. But while the rehearsing and acting were going on the players received their food, and when it was all over they wound up with a great supper.

It. to Thurston, my cook, 6l. 13s. 4d. It. to William Body, my servant, 6l. 13s. 4d. It. to Peter Mewtas, my servant, 6l. 13s. 4d. It. to Ric. Sleysh, my servant, 6l. 13s. 4d. It. to George Wilkinson, my servant, 6l. 13s. 4d. It. to my friend, Thomas Alvard, 10l., and my best gelding. It. to my friend, Thomas Bush, 10l. It. to my servant, John Hynde, my horsekeeper, 3l. 6s. 8d. Item.

All our wants for the Orphans have been richly supplied during this week; and today, on my leaving for Trowbridge in the Lord’s service, I was able to send 5l. 5s. 8d. to the sisters, the matrons. Oct. 11 14. Trowbridge. I have had a good season since I have been here.

It has ruined the boat fishery, which is by far the best adapted for the supply of the home market; and the additional bounty of 2s:8d. the barrel upon exportation, carries the greater part, more than two-thirds, of the produce of the buss-fishery abroad.

Second, the expensiveness of living, and the dearness of labor, which was as high as 1s. 8d. to 2s. per day, whereas 2d. or 3d. was the usual price paid the peasant in silk-growing countries.

Elizabeth's illiberality towards her seamen may be judged from the fact that in her reign their pay was certainly increased once and perhaps twice. In 1585 the sailor's pay was raised from 6s. 8d. to 10s. a month. A rise of pay of 50 per cent. all at once is, I venture to say, entirely without parallel in the navy since, and cannot well be called illiberal.

Indian, politicians ascribe this poverty to the crushing burden of the land revenue collected by Government a burden which has been shown to work out only to about 1s. 8d. per acre of crop and is being steadily reduced in relation to the gross revenue of the country but they say nothing about the exactions of the native landlord, who has, for instance in Bengal, monopolized at the expense of the peasantry almost the whole benefit of the Permanent Settlement.

By the same statute of Henry VIII. the common servant of husbandry, who was boarded and lodged at his master's house, received 16s. 8d. a year in money, with 4s. for his clothes; while the wages of the out-door labourer, supposing his work constant, would have been £5 a year.