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There was some other man, I thought perhaps Boller of '89 and remembering him, his picturesque garb and ridiculous pose, my own vanity was deeply cut. Until late that night I sat smoking violently and turning over in my mind the problem and all its dreadful possibilities.

At the time of the revolution of '89 these different philosophical, political, and religious sects enthusiastically accepted the republican doctrines, and the successes of our first generals have often been attributed to the secret efforts of the members.

State Department MSS., No. 150, Vol. III., p. 89. Do Harmar's letter. State Department MSS, No 30, p 453. Memorial of François Carbonneaux, agent for the inhabitants of the Illinois country. Dec 8, 1784. The population had decreased during the Revolutionary war, so that at its outbreak there were probably altogether a thousand families.

I might have struggled on with such confused ideas as these had it not been for the hypothetical other man. He haunted me. The hypothesis became a fact. It found embodiment in Boller of '89.

So terminated the bloody battle of the Monongahela; a scene of carnage which has been truly described as unexampled in the annals of modern warfare. Of the 1460 souls, officers and privates, who went into the combat, 456 were slain outright and 421 were wounded; making a total of 877 men. Of 89 commissioned officers, 63 were killed or wounded; not a solitary field-officer escaping unhurt.

Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1906, 6s. net. Aliotta, The Idealistic Reaction against Science. English translation. Macmillan, 1914, 12s. net. F. C. Schiller, Humanism, Macmillan, 1903, 7s. 6d. net. C. C. J. Webb, Group Theories of Religion and the Individual, Allen and Unwin, 1916, 5s. net. A Critical Account of the Philosophy of Lotze, 1895, p. 104. Aliotta, op. cit., pp. 89, 187. Encyl.

The cut-throats bellowed with joy when they learned that a Republican of '89, who had risen to the rank of marshal under the Usurper, was about to pass through Avignon. At the same time sinister reports began to run from mouth to mouth, the harbingers of death.

Of all the lodgers in the house, I was the most likely to be up late, and if one of the forgetful old gentlemen fastened the door-chain, to me would fall the duty of answering the signals of distress from the stoop. Tom Marshall has played but a small part in my life. Like that of Boller of '89, his place in the cast is a minor one.

To be fond of lawsuits seems a characteristic of an isolated people in new conditions. The early settlers of New England were. Notwithstanding the elevation of Boone, which insured a pure air, the thermometer that afternoon stood at from 85 to 89 deg. The flies enjoyed it. How they swarmed in this tavern!

That is to say, 89 per cent of the negroes lived in the three divisions classed as Southern, 10.5 per cent in the four divisions classed as Northern and 0.5 per cent in the two Western divisions. Since 1790 the center of negro population has been moving toward the Southwest and has now reached northeast Alabama. Migration to the North and West has been considerable since emancipation.