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Including the standing appropriation of $700,000 for free mail matter as a legitimate portion of the revenues, yet remaining unexpended, the actual deficiency for the past year is only $265,093 a sum within $51,141 of the amount estimated in the annual report of 1864.

Quae nationes. And what tribes, etc.; quae for quaeque by asyndeton, or perhaps, as Rit. suggests, by mistake of the copyist. Commigraverint. Subj. of the indirect question. Gr. 265, Z. 552. German critics have expended much labor and research, in defining the locality of the several German tribes with which the remainder of the Treatise is occupied.

The sacrifices of the Old Law were figures of the sacrifice of the New Law, and were to cease at its institution; and when the ancient sacrifices ceased the ancient priesthood was at an end. 265 Q. Is the Mass the same sacrifice as that of the Cross? A. The Mass is the same sacrifice as that of the Cross. But how is the Mass a sacrifice?

The Transvaal State will, moreover, be liable for the lawful expenditure lawfully incurred for the necessary expenses of the Province since the annexation, to wit, the sum of £265,000, which debt, together with such debts as may be incurred by virtue of the 9th Article, will be a second charge upon the revenues of the State.

Stewart's Works, iv. 29, 35, 38, and v. 149-88. Ibid. ii. 97, etc., and iii. 235, 389, 417. Works, vii. 13-34. Ibid. vii. 26, etc. Works, iv. 265. Ibid. ii. 52. Ibid. v. 10. Works, ii. 155. Ibid. ii. 337. Works, vi. 46; vii. 11. Ibid. vii. 46. Ibid. i. 357. Works, vi. 320. Ibid. vi. 279. Ibid. vi. 297. Works, vi. 295. Cf. v. 83. Ibid. vi. 298-99. Ibid. v. 84.

Again, on p. 265, Maimon speaks of the Jewish fast that falls in August. George Eliot jots on the margin, "July? Fast of Ninth Ab." Throughout passages are pencilled, and at the end she gives an index to the parts that seem to have interested her particularly.

A slightly increased membership was reported and some younger women had come into the movement, including Mrs. Jessie Adler of Hartford, who was responsible later for the candidacy of Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn. The expenditures for 1908 were $265. In 1909 the convention was held at Meriden.

The tenant system was shown to be far more common in the South than at the North or West. In the south central group of States, which includes a large part of the cotton area, the tenants numbered 1,024,265 and the owners 949,036.

Prince George built at Brighton a royal pavilion in imitation of the pagodas of the Indies, embosomed in trees and surrounded by gardens. This was originally the royal residence, but in 1850 the city bought it for $265,000 as a public assembly-room. The great attraction of Brighton, however, is the aquarium, the largest in the world, opened in 1872.

This will relieve you of that portion of attention which his education would otherwise call for." Mount Vernon and its Associations, pages 264, 265. The Life of Thomas Jefferson, by Henry S. Randall, LL.D., ii, 128. Sparks's Washington, x, 533, 534. The following is copy of the proclamation: