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Perhaps this was a necessary result of statesmanship, as it had usually been taught at that epoch. Paul V., who had succeeded Clement VIII. in 1605, with the brief interlude of the twenty-six days of Leo XI.'s pontificate, was zealous, as might be supposed, to check the dangerous growth of the pestilential little republic of the north.

Thus he had escaped the horrible winter at St Croix, but on account of lawsuits it had proved impossible for him to return to Acadia in the following year. Hence the noble roadstead of Port Royal was still unoccupied when De Monts, Champlain, and Pontgravé took the people of St Croix thither in August 1605. Not only did the people go.

A great writer who came immediately after the Elizabethans namely, Sir Thomas Browne, who lived from 1605 to 1682 displays the development in his style of something less simple and more precious than ruled in the former generation. It is difficult to select any passage from his works where all is so good. He was curious and exact in his choice of words and commanded a wide vocabulary.

Perhaps this was a necessary result of statesmanship, as it had usually been taught at that epoch. Paul V., who had succeeded Clement VIII. in 1605, with the brief interlude of the twenty-six days of Leo XI.'s pontificate, was zealous, as might be supposed, to check the dangerous growth of the pestilential little republic of the north.

The most important of the Spanish voyages was that made by De Quiros, who left Callao in December, 1605, in charge of an expedition of three ships. One of these vessels was commanded by Luis Vaez de Torres.

This casting about for new sources of revenue was characteristic of all parishes as the reign advanced. Op. cit., 26. Op. cit., 92. In 1605 and 1606, doubtless to meet some extraordinary expenses, the Mere wardens roused themselves to great efforts at their church-ale, and netted £15 6s., and £20 respectively. Sir Rich. Colt Hoare, Hist. of Modern Wiltshire , i, 21.

Barentz in 1596, Weymouth in 1602, James Hall in 1605 and 1607, Hudson, whose name was given to that vast bay which hollows out so profoundly the continent of America, James Poole, in 1611, advanced far into the Strait in search of that North-West passage the discovery of which would have considerably shortened the track of communication between the two worlds.

What finally impelled the Brethren to court countenance from Erasmus is not clear; possibly the cool reception the Utraquists had had from Luther the year before, with the rather contemptuous suggestion that their style and opinions were more like Erasmus' than his own. Camerarius' book was not published till 1605; but we can perhaps trace the source of his information.

The walled-up, conical fireplaces and meal bins and corn caves of a pueblo people who lived on the site of modern Santa Fe hundreds of years before the Spanish founded this capital here in 1605. For years it has been a dispute among historians Bandelier, Hodge, Twitchell, Governor Prince, Mr. Reed whether any prehistoric race dwelt where Santa Fe now stands.

A few small vessels of the expedition succeeded in reaching the Flemish coast, and landing a slight portion of the terzo. The campaign of 1605 opened but languidly.