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He returned to the office a little later and glanced at the several reviews which I had just recieved. "So," he said. "You take these." He skimmed through, as he spoke, the last number of the Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde in Berlin. "Yes," I answered. "These gentlemen are kind enough to interest themselves in my works on the geology of the Wadi Mia and the high Igharghar."

A. Horawitz in Sybel's Historische Zeitschrift, xxv. , 66-101; and P. Joachimsen, Geschichtsauffassung und Geschichtschreibung in Deutschland unter dem Einfluss des Humanismus, pt. 1, 1910. 'People who think that Germany is still as barbarous as it was in the days of Caesar should read what Jerome has to say about it.

Well, we shall lead a life of poetry and blossoms, and we shall play and compose together like angels, and bring gladness to mankind." And when she wishes to tour: "We'll pack our diamonds together and go live in Paris." He writes her, complaining that her father called him phlegmatic, and said that he had written nothing in the Zeitschrift for six weeks.

Thus a male foetus showing reptilian characters in sexual ducts was exhibited by Shattock at the Pathological Society of London, February 19, 1895. J. Kohlbrugge, "Die Umgestaltung des Uterus der Affen nach den Geburt," Zeitschrift für Morphologie, bd. iv, p. 1, 1901. The nerve endings in the genital region are the same as elsewhere.

For the early peasants' guilds and subsequent unions see R. Wilman's "Die landlichen Schutzgilden Westphaliens," in Zeitschrift fur Kulturgeschichte, neue Folge, Bd. iii., quoted in Henne-am-Rhyn's Kulturgeschichte, iii. 249. Luchaire, p. 149. Two important cities, like Mainz and Worms, would settle a political contest by means of arbitration.

Many of the letters in the present collection are concerned with the affairs of Schumann's paper, the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, detailing his plans for removing it to a larger city than Leipsic, and the atrocious red-tape difficulties and delays he was subjected to when he finally did transfer it to Vienna.

That Robert and Clara, so long as Wieck lived, should not make their residence in Saxony; but that Schumann must none the less make as much money in the new home as his Zeitschrift brought him in Leipzig. 2. That Wieck should control Clara's property for five years, paying her, during that time, five per cent. 3.

For references on this subject see Landois, 'Zeitschrift fur wissen. Zoolog. B. xvii. s. 131.

Often they went by the name of the Judas Light or the Judas Candle; and sometimes small waxen figures of Judas were hung on them. See H.J. Feasey, op. cit. pp. 193, 213 sqq. As to the ritual of the new fire at St. G. Finamore, op. cit. pp. 123 sq. M. Lexer, "Volksüberlieferungen aus dem Lesachthal in Karnten," Zeitschrift für deutsche Mythologie und Sittenkunde, iii. p. 31.

Same work, A. A. Brill trans., "The Interpretation of Dreams," 1914; The Macmillan Company, New York. Jung, C. G., "Studies in Psychoanalysis," Psychoanalytic Review and Monograph, 1914; Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases Company, New York. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Aerztliche Psychoanalyse, Officielles Organ der Internat.