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Gregory continued to be amused by what he felt to be Miss Woodruff's naiveté. He was inclined to think that artists, however admirable in their functions, were undesirable in their persons, and the reverent enthusiasm that Miss Woodruff imagined in him was singularly uncharacteristic.

There was not even a shrewdness in his voice when he added: "You know they didn't get our brethren in prison for polygamy, but for living with their plural wives." Perhaps no other man in Utah could have said such a thing without sarcasm. It was part of President Woodruff's unworldliness that he did not see the satire of his words; and I was the more convinced of his good faith.

Haven't I always said that I don't recognize you as politicians and always denied that you have any right to dictate the politics of our people?" And Brother Penrose says you attacked him in one of your meetings, and said he was not a trustworthy political guide." President Woodruff's mildness was always irresistible.

I would not be an agent in any such betrayal, but I had to refuse without offending my father's trust in the divine inspiration of President Woodruff's decision and without aiding the Smiths in their conspiracy.

He led Roebuck on to show off this peculiarity of his, a jumbling, often in the same breath, of the most sonorous piety and the most shameless business perfidy. All the time Woodruff's face was perfectly grave, there are some men who refuse to waste any of their internal enjoyment in external show.

When Woodruff's election was announced it came as a complete surprise. Such of the newspapers as dared, and they were few, denounced it as infamy's crown of infamy; and the rank and file of the party was shocked, as I had known it would be. He made not a murmur, but I knew what must be in his mind. I said nothing until six weeks or two months had passed; then I went straight at him.

During the last years of President Woodruff's life there had been a slow decline of the feeling that it was necessary for self-protection that the hierarchy should preserve a political control over the people. I cannot say that the feeling had wholly passed.

Perhaps pride and the example of his mates were strong factors in bringing him to a decision, but he reached one at last, and upon a Saturday during the latter part of April he quietly wrote his name upon the enlistment paper in Captain Woodruff's office, and the deed was done. In the meantime, and for the few weeks in which he did not call, Liddy lived in an agony of suspense.

When that portion of the enemy driven back by Sill recovered from its repulse it again advanced to the attack, this time directing its efforts chiefly upon my extreme right, and the front of Woodruff's brigade of Davis's division, which brigade still held on in its first position.

"... And I now publicly declare that my advice to the Latter-day Saints is to refrain from contracting any marriage forbidden by the law of the land." At the general conference of the Church held October 6, 1890, President Woodruff's action was sustained by the vote of the conference. The enemies of the Church now had no excuse for their persecutions, so, after a time, peace came once more.