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Updated: August 16, 2024

"It is likely to be a similar place to Svendborg." "There is not much to see at Vordingborg. There are the ruins of King Valdemar's castle; the portion most prominent is called the Goose Tower, because the figure of a goose was used as a weathercock," said the Pastor. "If I might suggest, a drive in a carriage in the neighbourhood would, I think, interest you.

We shall have to take another pilot there, for the difficult channel by Grønsund out to the Baltic, as our present pilot is not allowed to go beyond Vordingborg." "Your pilots, Herr Pastor," said Mrs. Hardy, "appointed by your Government, appear men well selected for their duty. They are all experienced men and well-conducted.

We have been yachting on many shores, but the pilots we have taken in Denmark have been all men that have given me a feeling of confidence." "There is much employment for pilots on some parts of our coast," said the Pastor, "and the men soon acquire experience." When they came on deck after breakfast, the yacht was half-way to Vordingborg. "What is the land on the starboard bow?" asked Mrs. Hardy.

She put it in her apron; but there was a hole in it, and the Kæmpehøi fell into the sea near the coast, and formed what is called Borreø, or Borre Island. That is the only legend I know, or can recollect at present, particularly attached to Vordingborg. But do you not propose an excursion to Møen's Klint?" "That we do, as it is different from any other place in Denmark," said Hardy.

It is almost desolation." "We are out of the track of vessels," said Pastor Lindal, "and there are few fish just here, consequently no sea-birds in pursuit of them." "You will soon see more life, mother," said Hardy, "From our position we are seventeen knots to Vordingborg, which we shall reach shortly after breakfast.

Jens Grim had lost his knife, which the Lubeckers found, and took it to the fastness, where they knew he was not, and said they had come to take possession by Jens Grimes order, and produced the knife. They were admitted and took the place." "What do you propose to do at Vordingborg, John?" asked Mrs. Hardy. "We are close to it, mother," replied John.

We shall also have to engage another pilot, as it is difficult navigation to Svendborg; and if we start at six, we shall be there at eight to-morrow, which will enable us to see Svendborg and its pretty neighbourhood, and in the evening can anchor under shelter of Væirø, an island, so as to reach Vordingborg early to-morrow." Mrs. Hardy followed her son's explanation on the chart.

The scenery is the same type as at Svendborg." The Pastor's suggestion was followed, and he poured forth much historical learning connected with Vordingborg. "Is there no legend?" asked Hardy. "Yes," replied the Pastor; "but it is one common to a great many places. It is this. A giantess wished to remove a tumulus or Kæmpehøi from Vordingborg to Møen.

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